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Metal Heads update for 6 March 2023

HOTFIX: Crash fixes Coallateral mini-game and updated bug reporter.

Share · View all patches · Build 10698138 · Last edited 6 March 2023 – 06:09:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone!

Thanks to a few of the bug reports that have come in (now that there's a functional bug reporter), there are 2 main crashes that have been reported so far.
(CRASH FIX)- Fixed Coallateral physics bug crashing the game.
(POSSIBLE CRASH FIX)- Players using Dolphin/Wii controllers, sensor bars or using 3rd party controller emulation software should still be able to play without a crash. If using these things and it's still crashing, unplug those controllers, and/or turn off the emulation software and try again.
(Updated Crash Reporter)- More information on the crash reporter, specifically targeted to those using Dolphin/Wii controllers etc.

There is a known issue with Playstation DUAL SHOCK controllers (I can only test with Dual Shock 4), where if you try to play with one connected via BLUETOOTH, the game will crash.
Thankfully, I was able to test this and find a work-around/fix.

Go into Steam Settings -> Controller -> General Controller Settings
and enable "Playstation Configuration Support".

The Dolphin/Wii controller crash bug is one that unfortunately I cannot replicate, because it's to do with players having things like the Dolphin Wii controller plugged into the PC. And that's not something I have a hardware set up for.

Metal Heads uses a super helpful plugin that allows me to have 8 players, but it doesn't know how to deal with strange 3rd party controllers such as Dolphin Wii motes/nunchucks, Dolphin sensor bar's, and emulation software for Dual Shock controllers, such as Better DS3 and DS4Windows.

I have been in contact with the plugin developer, and he has been super helpful, and helped me put in place some code that HOPEFULLY will stop the game crashing simply because one of these devices are connected to the PC. NOW the game should still run, but those devices won't work in the game as they are completely unknown (hence they need emulation software to work).
Unfortunately, without me being able to replicate the crash at all, due to not owning any of the hardware, I cannot say for certain if this actually fixes the issue.

If you are someone who is using these types of controllers, and it isn't crashing anymore, please let me know, but also let me know if it STILL crashes.
Please let me know by either joining the Discord forum HERE or posting on the Metal Heads Steam support forum. Which is found HERE

I am working super hard on the board game customization menu, and it's coming along nicely.
Bear in mind, that this is extremely complicated to make, so it may take me a while to do, but I'm making fantastic progress, and cannot wait to get it into your hands.

Anyway, ROCK ON!

Windows English Metal Heads Content Depot 1132671
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