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Stationeers update for 5 March 2023

The Trading Update V

Share · View all patches · Build 10695982 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Traders


Shuttles come in 6 types, including small, medium, and large variants, each with normal and gas options. Shuttles can use a runway or make a vertical descent and require a landing pad of different sizes: 3x3 for small, 5x5 for medium, and 6x6 for large. Supporting the requirements of different shuttle types means you’ll get to trade with more of the visiting Traders.

Space Planes

There are two types of space planes, medium and large. Unlike shuttles, space planes cannot land vertically, require a runway, and only appear on planets with an atmosphere. Due to being designed to operate in diverse atmospheres, they are able to still land during storms, unlike shuttles. Space planes also need a larger landing pad size: 7x7 for medium and 9x9 for large. A minimum runway length of 15 and 20 is required for medium and large space planes, respectively.

Trader requirements are visually displayed when using the comms motherboard, and trader sizes can be accessed from logic.

Runways and Beacons

Vehicles entering the area from space have a long approach as they slow down from orbit. To better guide traders to the landing pad and avoid them crashing into mountains and buildings, you can use beacons and runway taxi pieces. Beacons can be placed and configured to guide traders through the air to the landing pad, while runway taxi pieces define the entry point of a runway and a path to the center piece.

Planes require a threshold piece and a runway to land. Additionally, Taxi Hold pieces can be used to stop traders on the runway until Activate is called on the landing pad center or via the activate button on the landing pad power data module.

Combining all these pieces allows you to fully customize the descent of the aircraft and may be required to prevent collisions. To make it easier to create a suitable landing area for traders, the landing pad pieces have been split into three new kits: Basic, Runway, and Atmospheric.

Environmental Requirements

Large shuttles and planes have a chance of carrying human traders. However, human traders require a breathable atmosphere before they will exit their craft and trade with you. To accommodate human traders, you'll need to build a hangar that can be pressurized.

Trader Interface

Options have been added to the Comms Motherboard to allow you to choose which landing pad and satellite dish will be used.

Trader Crashes

If you don't have a suitable landing pad and runway, traders will collide, cause damage, and explode. Be sure to create an appropriate landing area to avoid this from happening. Be especially careful of planes, if your runway is not long enough then they will overshoot and potentially crash.

Your support makes this possible

Over the last year, we’ve completely refactored the net code making multiplayer more stable, we’re continuing to improve the connectivity, and we’ve improved some big systems to allow us to bring you better content and new game loops. All this while transitioning to a weekly update cycle.

All the community support, feedback, and involvement have made this possible. So thank you!

If you like the progress we have made, please consider taking a moment to leave a positive review. This makes a huge difference to the project. We've been working hard for the last five years, and feel confident the game has substantially improved over this time. Many projects steer clear of the hard tasks, and we are proud to have taken them on.

Additionally, you can support us by purchasing DLC that we've made to allow those who enjoy the game to support us, and in return get something a little fun to use in-game.

Change Log v0.2.3860.18648

  • Increased medium and large plane runway requirements to 15 and 20 respectively.
  • Shuttles now can have individually overridden speeds.
  • Reduced size of planes and made their required landingpads larger to prevent collision happening when they're rotating to leave
  • decreased deorbit distance of some of the larger vehicles
  • made types for virtual landing pad center waypoint, and for deorbit waypoint.
  • landing pad height will now be used as a shuttle waypoint when coming from/to normal waypoints.
  • Updated chance for medium tier space planes to spawn.
  • Added if waypoints or hold points get destroyed mid transit trader will depart immediately if the can't find new a valid path.
  • Fixed required runway length for planes not being enforced
  • Fixed center piece vertical height setting not being used
  • Added Space-Planes are now able to land during storms. Normal trader shuttles are still unable to land during storms.
  • Updated shuttle audio fall-off to account for new approach profile
  • Fixed incorrect build state mesh on landing pad liquid input connector
  • Updated taxi piece corner prefab name
  • Renamed taxi corner piece and removed duplicate corner piece
  • Fixed issue where logic reads on dishes about best contact signal strength would not get a noise offset properly added, like the computer motherboard display.
  • Fixed trader getting left behind when departing via activate button
  • Fixed Trader shuttles deorbit at the incorrect rotation when landing directly on a landing pad.
  • Added "trader print" command
  • Fixed planes landing, and not going a minimum distance due to accidentally reattaching to their current point.
  • Deorbit distance and glideslope can now be customized on a per shuttle basis.
  • NOTE BETA USERS will need to completely reconstruct all threshold pieces on current saves updating to this revision.
  • Changed Updated threshold piece to have data port and onOff Switch.
  • Added landingPads can now have multiple thresholds but will be error if more than one threshold is turned on. Thresholds that are turned off will not form an approach path.
  • Changed landing pad taxi pieces and hold pieces now only flash if they form a valid path from a valid threshold to the centre piece.
  • Added data port for the threshold piece (first pass)
  • Fixed Immediately departing trader using activate logic variable can cause trader robot to be left behind.
  • reenabled deorbit waypoint
  • Fixed Autolathe Tier2 invisible.
  • Added landing pad taxi corner pieces
  • Fixed bug where shuttles would sometimes face the wrong direction
  • Fixed traders crashing in to ground when departing if there is no runway
  • Fixed bug where waypoints were sometimes not connecting correctly
  • swapped order of next and previous waypoint setting on shuttle approach
  • Fixed connection rotations on Landing pad taxi pieces.
  • disabled deorbit fake waypoint for debugging.
  • Changed Lading Pad Data piece to return Activate state of center when queried via logic.
  • Changed Name of Kit (Landing Pad Waypoint) to Kit (Landing Pad Runway).
  • Changed planes landing behaviour so that if the runway is long enough for the plane to land without going over the center piece then the plane will not need to return to the threshold before making its way to the center piece
  • Changed ActivateButton animation speed.
  • Fixed Code clean-up Atmospherics Controller.
  • Added Activate button to Landing Pad data piece. Pushing the activate button will depart a landed trader or order a trader waiting at a hold piece to progress down the taxi way.
  • Added Activate Button prefab.
  • added virtual waypoint to shuttles first waypoint to represent a deorbit approach.
  • Added Sounds to space-planes.
  • Improved Space-plane land and depart animation.
  • Fixed Incorrect Material on space plane engine plumes.
  • Fixed size landing pad requirements for space-planes. Medium 7x7, Large 7x9.
  • Fixed shuttles for clients not spawning in with the correct rotation
  • Fixed traders clipping in to their shuttles when they hop out
  • Fixed Mode not being set on load for landing pad center.
  • Fixed large plane pad size requirement
  • First pass on planes requiring runway
  • Fixed Incorrect hashed value of Mode Interactable on LandingPadCenter.
  • Fixed Depart uni-task switches to main thread if called from thread.
  • Added Writing Activate to LandingPad Data-Power piece will depart a landed trader.
  • Fixed render distance on small lights.
  • Made shuttle movement more smooth
  • Removed trader ready checks from depart command
  • Added trader depart console command "trader depart <pad id>" or "trader depart" to depart all
  • Committing missing GameStrings from previous commit.
  • Labeler can now be used to set waypoint height.
  • Changed Waypoint height screw to have min of -100, and max of 100.
  • Changed waypoint height screw alt click to decrement by 1.
  • Waypoints now default to a height of 3.
  • Waypoint visualizer holograms only stay active for 15 seconds now.
  • Moved shuttle audio code into its own class
  • Removed some unneeded serialized fields from shuttle classes
  • Added animation events to cargo planes
  • Updated suntime command, no parameters will default to early morning
  • Fixed Can't label LandingPadCenter (code removed in error rev.).
  • Fixed Error when LandingPadCenter deleted mid arrival/departure of trader
  • Fixed shuttle doors not opening/closing when atmosphere requirements are met/not met
  • Updated trader land command to allow for selecting a contact: 'trader land <pad id> <contact index>'
  • Added Kit (Landing Pad Basic). Creates: Centre Piece, Power Piece, Straight Piece, Diagonal Piece, Cross Piece.
  • Added Kit (Landing Pad Atmospherics). Creates: Gas/Liquid Storage, Gas Output, Gas Input, Liquid Output, Liquid Input.
  • Added Kit (Landing Pad Waypoint). Creates: Threshold Piece, Taxi Piece, Taxi Hold Piece, Waypoint.
  • Updated Start conditions to use correct landing pad kit.
  • Fixed StructureTraderWaypoint power/data input collider incorrectly rotated.
  • Fixed Error with StructureTraderWaypoint blueprint.
  • Enabled collision between trader shuttles
  • Fixed multiple explosion code paths not correctly merging.
  • Shuttles now configure various crashing values based on type.
  • Added crashed shuttles result in a gas explosion.
  • SatelliteDishes wont return a Contact's pad requirements until after interrogation.
  • Updated shuttle animations to be slightly lower while taxiing to help with fitting into hangars
  • Fixed Trader Bot having the wrong rotation
  • Updated medium cargo plane animation
  • Added cargo plane traders
  • Fixed Compile error due to merge conflict.
  • Fixed Shuttle Engine sounds not playing on clients.
  • Fixed Traders with an Environment requirement now go back inside shuttle if the requirement is no longer met.
  • Fixed If landing pad centre is destroyed by damage or deconstructed the associated trader will attempt to depart.
  • Fixed Landing pad Cross piece doesn't show destroyed state.
  • Fixed Error when trader shuttle is destroyed by collision during landing or take-off.
  • Updated landing pad threshold model
  • Fixed beacons not being able to switch between center and threshold when modifying landing pad network
  • Updated how trader shuttles find taxi paths. You will no longer need to have a straight line of taxi pieces from threshold to center for taxiing to work.
  • Removed unused field on shuttle animation handler
  • Added Human Trader model for traders that require atmosphere
  • Fixed several instances where rotatables could become stuck, especially at high framerates.
  • Rotatable no longer instantly rotate when occluded.
  • Fixed large SatelliteDish having fast rotation speed set.
  • Fixed trader shuttles not disappearing when destroyed for clients
  • Fixed null reference exception if a trader shuttle explodes while leaving
  • Cleaned up TraderShuttle.cs
  • changed shuttle explosion to used previously cached center instead of calculating it
  • fixed the explosion position to be the center of the ship instead of the pivot position
  • Fixed exception on comms motherboard from contact items not being cleared properly
  • Refactored how client shuttles are synced
  • Fixed Error on server when landing pad center deleted.
  • Added Sounds to large trader shuttles.
  • Added trader shuttle collision with terrain
  • Added mesh collider and rigid body to all trader shuttles for collision detection
  • Fixed Broken shuttle prefabs
  • reverted threshhold piece directionality requirement
  • First pass on ship collision (WARNING: trading shuttles will now collide and destroy structures. After 20 collisions the trader will explode causing a lot of damage)
  • Added missing field to shuttle animator
  • Fixed missing ref on shuttle prefabs
  • Added new explosion algorithm option which can more controllably scale damage, and define spreading/blocking behaviour.
  • Changed explosion class to use unitasks vs coroutine.
  • fixed issue preventing uneven sized landingpads with one even dimension from atempting to find a valid offset.
  • Added Engine sounds for large trader shuttles.
  • improved even sized landing pad offsetting.
  • Updated threshold pieces to only connect one way. This is to stop approaches direct to the threshold piece entering in the opposite direction to the runway
  • Fixed shifting logic for even sized landing pads.
  • Stopped shifting logic from running on odd sized landing pad dimensions.
  • Trader character now uses pad offset
  • WIP work on shifting rotation of pad offset
  • Added sounds for medium shuttles.
  • Fixed trader shuttle movement not syncing for clients
  • Fixed waypoint visualiser not updating for clients
  • Added virtual waypoint above landing pad center for use when landing directly on pad. Can adjust the height using the 'Vertical' logic setting. Useful for landing on underground landing pads.
  • Fixed Dead player characters sometimes still receive partial key input after respawn.
  • Fixed Input and output network logic vars of devices that accept IC chips not showing up in stationpedia.
  • Fixed thruster material on small shuttle
  • Fixed Logic variables for input and Output network atmospheres only show as able to be read on Atmospherics devices when pipes are connected.
  • Added hold functionality for trader shuttle. Shuttle will now wait at hold pieces until the landing pad data connection piece receives an activate signal.
  • Added swapping trader models based on trader type
  • Fixed trader shuttle engine effect material
  • Fixed NRE in trader regenerate/land commands
  • Added sounds for Small Shuttle.
  • fixed error when trader species type is not specified
  • Added support for different species of traders(no new species added yet)
  • Added interactables and logic handling to the landing pad data connection piece
  • Added ability for landing pad to attempt to shift center landing point virtually half a square, to support even size pads.
  • Removed safety checks, preventing shuttle depart, and land from being called if pad is obstructed.
  • Fixed issue with landing pads not converting pad net iteration correctly into world space.
  • Integrated IsObstructed function as an optional param on the pad check functions.
  • Added Sounds for small Gas shuttle animations.
  • Added other shuttle types and animations
  • Fixed trader shuttles not entering at correct angle when landing directly on landing pad
  • Tweaked trader waypoint so that you can not point to landing pad taxi pieces, you can only point to the center piece or other waypoints
  • Fixed long standing bug, where room generation was inappropriately checking CanAirPass instead of the internal concept of CanGravityPass. Rooms again can be generated when frames are at their 2nd build state.
  • Added build and broken states to landing pad taxi pieces
  • Fixed waypoint beacon grid position
  • Added waypoint type to waypoint interface
  • Updated shuttle land animation speed to be 1
  • Fixed Player unable to pick up small items next to landing-pad structures. LandingPad connection colliders are now om ignore Ray cast layer.
  • Added basic lerping to shuttle landing/leaving
  • Changed The selected LandingPad and Satellite dish are now highlighted in green on Comms-Motherboard UI.
  • Added LandingPad center piece can now be re-named with labeller.
  • Fixed Comms motherboard screen not refreshing when traders regenerate
  • Updated trader pool prefab to use new shuttle
  • Added new trader shuttle animations to work with new waypoint system
  • Fixed Clients not being able to interrogate trader on comms motherboard.
  • Fixed A number of items not syncing to clients on comms motherboard screen.
  • Fixed Satellite-dish scanned contacts not synced to clients.
  • Fixed Interrogation and contacted status of trader contacts not synced to clients.
  • Added separate voice notification setting so that they are no longer tied to the text language
  • Added Comms motherboard can now select which dish to scan with and which landing pad to call the trader to. A Comms motherboard can support a maximum of 8 dishes and 8 landing pads.
  • Added Required pad size to Trader contact UI.
  • Added Runway requirement to trader contact UI.
  • Added Oxygen requirement to trader contact UI.
  • Added Function to return trader size based on shuttleType.
  • Added toggle helper UI classes.
  • Fixed incorrect structure bounds on trader waypoint beacon
  • Updated blueprints and thumbnails for the landing pad taxi pieces
  • Refactored how trader waypoints are iterated over.
  • Pointing a waypoint beacon to the landing pad will now auto link it to the landing pads connected threshold piece. If no threshold is present the trader will land directly at the pad center
  • Added landing pad taxi pieces
  • Tweaked shuttle approach to follow taxi pieces after waypoints
  • Added localization wordcount command
  • Fixed reference to removed animator on small satellite dish
  • Added Logic variables to satellite dishes to assist with automating interrogation and landing of traders via logic.
  • Added Setting Activate to 1 on satellite dish now attempts to interrogate the closest contact. If the contact has been fully interrogated it will call the trader to land.
  • Added TargetPadIndex logic variable: select the landingPad on the dishes data network to call the trader to.
  • Added InterrogationProgress logic variable. progress this dish has made on interrogating the closest contact.
  • Added SizeX, Y & Z logic variables. Size of object in meters.
  • Added MinimumWattsToContact logic variable. Minimum number of effective watts of signal power hitting the contact to begin interrogation. (It will read -1 if contact is not resolved)
  • Added WattsReachingContact logic variable. The actual number of effective watts of signal power hitting the contact from this dish. (It will read -1 if contact is not resolved)
  • Changed Moved Satellite scanning logic to Server Tick.
  • Refactored Server tick to parse through deltaTime since last tick.
  • Refactored ScannedContactDataCollection to allow for removal of a number of locks.
  • Fixed waypoint visualiser sometimes pointing the wrong way
  • fixed typo in tier 3 trader slot definition
  • Fixed Can't read internal atmosphere of combustion centrifuge via logic.
  • Fixed incorrect uv on trader waypoint beacon
  • Decreased trader downtimes.
  • Increased tier 3 trader lifetime.
  • Increased tier 1 trader contact time, and decreased max required wattage.
  • Decreased tier 2 trader max contact time, and max required wattage.
  • Decreased tier 3 trader max required wattage.
  • Fixed trader beacon lights not being affected by powered state
  • Added definitions to trader to mark some goods as bulk, which will let larger trader ships exchange larger quantities.
  • Fixed Europa gas trade exchanging far too much gas.
  • Added Contacts now have minimum wattage to see. Generally, if wattage was so low that resolve would take several minutes, then the dish wont be able to detect the contact at all.
  • Fixed tier 3 trader contact slot incorrectly setting its resolve wattage.
  • Added visualiser to waypoint. Can now toggle on arrows which point to the waypoints target.
  • Fixed null exception caused by all waypoints list not being initialized
  • Removed References to CommsMotherBoard from TradeDataHelper.
  • Refactored Helper functions for trading items moved from comms-motherboard to land-pad-network class
  • removed erroneous Clear command.
  • Added error state to waypoint beacon. Will now flash error when its next target is already linked to something else.
  • Fixed bad uvs on waypoint beacon light
  • Fixed trader shuttles not clearing correctly when exiting world
  • Fixed prefab error with landingpad crosspiece
  • Fixed LandingPad Blueprint turns yellow when it will connect to another landingPad.
  • Added trader waypoint beacon system (first pass). You can now build beacons for the trader to follow when landing/departing.
  • Added bulk definition to stock values for tradableItem.
  • Added tire texture for trader airplane (Art update)
  • Added Some tier3 Traders now require a pressurized hanger. Trader will land but not exit the shuttle until the atmosphere is breathable for humans.
  • Added ContactGeneration Data to Tradables Xml. generation rules for contacts are now defined in xml data.
  • Added Backend support for traders requiring runway and or pressurized landing-pad.
  • Added Logic to select the most appropriate ship model from the trader data instance.
  • Added Downtime between trader re-generation.
  • Removed 2x2 landing pad centre piece from kit
  • Changed landing pad pieces to not duel register and allow construction to intersect so that airlocks can be constructed through runways
Windows 64-bit Stationeers Content Depot 544551
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