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The Adventurer's Domain Online update for 5 March 2023

Patch Notes 5th March

Share · View all patches · Build 10695505 · Last edited 5 March 2023 – 16:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Patch Notes 5th March

Latest minor build is focused on UI and Performance improvements along with some adjustments/fixes to last week's content update.


Adjusted Manor spawns – this should deal with a number of issues people have encountered with mobs positions not being correctly displayed on your client / ragdolls persisting etc.
If you have completed the Scout’s letter quest, but somehow not been awarded the next part of the chain, you should now be able to pick up the next segment at Lucas in the Order camp.
The big nemesis should no longer be able to send you through the roof.
The Nemesis Conduit now respawns quicker.
Adjusted Sorrow’s graphic whilst stored.
Adjusted medium sized shields positioning on male characters.
Longing now requires Magic Affinity.
Finality now correctly grants arcane explosion.
Genmire Storage no longer has a load screen.
Adjusted Snake People spawn locations and timers.
Ships navigating between areas should be less likely to enter outside the world bounds.
There’s now an option to hide your helm on the Cosmetics UI on the character screen.
Reduced the swing speed of great swords by roughly 10%.
Single handed Axes’ now have a right click skill.
Adjusted ragdolls on a few pirates.
Closed a massive hole in the Loft.

Interface / UI changes
You can now see your primary stats on your stat sheet.
You can now repair your weapon sets separately on the repair screen.
You can now have crafts repeat.
Quest items and keys now have a filter on the inventory screen.
Your weapon’s ability now has a cooldown indicator like a hotkey.
Adjusted the NPC Buy/Sell UIs.
Rebuilt the chat windows look and feel. Changed global from /a to /gl

UI Customisation
For the HUD we’re going to try and make it more flexible by introducing positioning and scaling options for most HUD elements, and specific configs for others that require it. After unlocking the mouse (Default - alt key) you’ll see little hand handles next to elements that can be configured.
In this build you can now…
Move the Chat window.
Move the hotkey grids.
Move your weapon ability indicator.
Move your character bars (Health, mana, stamina etc).
Just a start, we will get all the HUD elements working in this way.

There’s been quite a lot of adjustments to Genmire to improve people’s frame rate/reduce graphics card load in and around town.
There’s now an additional option which changes a lot of performance related rendering options. You can hit speed or quality at the moment. If you set speed, you can then use the normal settings to adjust this if desired.
This is mainly for our use in doing some profiling but Speed settings should perform significantly better in many situations, you may encounter some graphical oddities, particularly in dark areas / dungeons which require illuminating – we don’t recommend using the setting currently.

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