This update addresses a number of bugs in the Norway terrain beta...
Pilot scores are now added correctly at the end of the mission as long as you compete either your primary or secondary missions.
Water reflections are now culled correctly in the targeting pod view
"Vectorised" the targeting pod icon and radar cursor on the threat display MFD screen so they no longer flicker occassionally.
Corrected the position of the targeting pod icon on the threat display so it now matches correctly when changing the threat display range.
Updated the intercept guidance script of the Strela so that it is much less likely to fly into the ground when trying to calculate an intercept point. This has been done by limiting its angle of interception to within its seekers gimbal limits. This is much more realistic and, if you're flying fast enough perpendicular to it, you may now be able to evade the missile - maybe!
Other known bugs....
The targeting pod has a habit of jittering. Not sure what it causing this but it is more noticeable at low frame rates.
Hellfires do not take into account their launch altitude which makes using them from high positions (e.g. on to of a Norwegian mountain) problematic as they will not do a top down attack properly and instead fly fairly flat.
Nothing currently interacts with the water layer.
Changed depots in norwayterrain branch