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V.R.G. update for 5 March 2023

update 0.30.0

Share · View all patches · Build 10694560 · Last edited 5 March 2023 – 10:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • When an enemy is killed with the cell weapon, an explosion will occur, causing minor damage to the surrounding area. Also, they now drop Gibs with magical properties, which heal armor when picked up.
  • When an enemy is killed with an explosion or cell weapon, it will now drop a lit gib. Fiery gibs restore energy.
  • Frozen flesh now restores armor as well as stamina.
  • The Clusterbow's child warhead now traces a path, making it easier to be aware of its trajectory.
  • Clusterbow's charge shot has been changed to a StickyBomb. It glues to the point of impact and causes an explosion 1.5 seconds later.
  • The muzzle flash has been reimplemented and the light now glows when fired.
  • A hit sound now sounds when an enemy is damaged.
  • The hit marker now rotates when you hit with a series of attacks
Horde Mode
  • Explosion combos Weapons that use rocket ammunition could only be used to take down airborne enemies until now. Explosion combos are now used with rocket weapons, where the more enemies you kill with the rocket weapon, the more chains you get, and if you perform a bonus skill when the chains are overlapping, the time you gain is doubled (up to 25) by the number of chains you have.
  • Weapon Sponer Weapons of the same category will now spawn after being acquired. Also, the later you acquire a weapon, the later the second weapon will spawn, so you will have to use trial and error to decide which one to acquire first.
  • Damage stamps now appear in all three directions.
  • Damage stamps now fade out when they disappear.
  • The sun and moon have been adjusted to make their movements more realistic.
  • Hit sounds are no longer slowed down when in slow motion.
Bug Fixes
  • The problem where enemy hit detection would disappear at a certain probability has been fixed.
  • Sprites behind the camera are now culled correctly.
  • Using a hand weapon during a wall run now brings the hand to the screen.
Windows 64-bit VRG Windows 64bit Depot 1693091
  • Loading history…
Windows 32-bit VRG Windows 32bit Depot 1693092
  • Loading history…
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