Game Engine
0001261: [Vehicles] Calculate the lift/drag (Cl/Cd) per AOA on NACA 64A410 airfoils (reskin)
0001954: [Vehicles] External camera view has the sunglasses overlay (reskin)
0001704: [Avionics] GPWS mode 5 inhibit (reskin)
0001961: [Vehicles] Mammoth stuck offroad, speedometer broken, gear indicator says "1" (reskin)
0001733: [Avionics] Pilot flying and pilot monitoring aural commands and responses (reskin)
0000936: [Vehicles] APU, environmental, life support power usage (Phase 1) (reskin)
0001839: [Avionics] Need to add a CAS message before vehicles just "pop" (reskin)
0001985: [Cockpits] Camera view name on screen (reskin)
0001678: [General] Flight freeze in sim bay doesn't stop objects in orbit from moving (reskin)
0001251: [Vehicles] Bypass ratio definition for engines (reskin)
0001972: [Vehicles] Tires of T-19 spinning in the air when retracted (reskin)
0001974: [General] Allow for limits to be defined per camera (reskin)
Game Client
0001965: [Communications] Subtitles for dock announcements (reskin)
Game Server
0001983: [Vehicles] Give priority to powered on ships so they show on scanner and visually at a longer distance (reskin)
0001966: [Vehicles] Ships in dock bubbles stop showing track leading to jumps, can't see each other invisible and not on scanners (reskin)
Fixed a bug where the ATC audio was not being sent to occupants of the control tower
Changed files in this update