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Depths of Sanity update for 4 March 2023

Popping and Soft Locking - Update 04

Share · View all patches · Build 10692940 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey all!

We're hard at working porting this fella to Xbox and Switch, so not a ton of Steam updates, just some bug fixes.

  • Shout out to user Paradox for being too good at the end boss fight to cause a soft lock. Turns out if you killed one of the pieces within three seconds of killing another, the fight would soft lock. So that's fixed!
  • And we forgot to include a piece of key art in the bad ending! Our bad (get it?). You may have noticed a flash to white at the end of the bad ending cutscene. That was supposed to be some sweet art piece that our artist whipped up. It is now in! You can view it below. But be warned. It's a huge spoiler.

SUUUUUPER SPOILER WARNING. 100% don't look at the spoiler image below if you have not beaten the game with the bad ending.

Thanks so much for playing and please send along any feedback you have. And if you haven't left a review, I will love you forever if you do.

All the best,


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