Desecrators 0.8.2 features new environmental hazards, rebalanced anomaly encounters and various other improvements.
- Adjusted anomaly encounters:
- Increased delay between each boss phase
- Enemies spawning after each boss phase now spawn in multiple smaller waves
- Removed Chamo enemies
- Additional pickups now spawn after each boss phase
- Adjusted arena layouts
- Adjusted Devastator anomaly
- Added Firewall hazard
- Added Laserfence hazard
- Added Pulsefield hazard
- Added more door types
- Improved level textures
- Various FX improvements
- Rivals are now less skilled at predicting movement when aiming
- Fragments launched from a projectile hitting a mine will now all detonate instantly (similar to direct hits against enemies)
- Increased mine projectile collision radius (mines are now easier to hit)
- Fixed beam weapons being able to collide with mines during their invulnerability window
- Fixed a physics regression that could cause jittery projectile movement
- Fixed engine flares of secondary projectiles lacking slightly behind the projectile model
- Fixed static level sounds (e.g. forcefield hum) sometimes not playing
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause level pickups to be spawned at invalid positions
- Fixed objectives with multiple triggers sometimes not triggering phantom walls correctly
- Fixed Chamo enemies losing their cloaking after using a teleport
- Fixed lamp sparks or bubbles sometimes being emitted from incorrect positions
- Fixed a rare issue where levels containing a high number of teleports could contain few or no enemies
- Fixed a rare case where an anomaly level could fail during generation
Changed files in this update