Hi everyone,
Version 0.7.4 is now live. Variation in map layouts has been increased as this was the most requested change on Discord. Come vote and hang out if you haven't done so already.
Patch notes:
- Increased map variety for Act I, II & III.
- Curios that increase credits gained or affect shop prices, can no longer be encountered in the shop.
- The elite modifier that increases shape density by 100% is replaced by a modifier that increases spawn rate and movement speed by 40%.
- Renamed Inspirational extendor curio to Inspirational extender.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to malfunction when you have more than 7 curios.
- Fixed a bug that caused Stock scrapper and Card recycler curios to have an identical icon.
- Fixed a bug that caused elite maps with increased shape health to have 30% increased health instead of 40%.
Got any feedback? Help improve the game by sharing by pressing F8 in-game, on the discussion forums on Steam or on Discord.
Changed files in this update