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Dungeons of Aether update for 3 March 2023

Patch 1.06 - Bug Swatting

Share · View all patches · Build 10688101 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Before the weekend gets into full swing we wanted to make sure the game is in good shape for people to enjoy some uninterrupted gaming time. With that in mind, we have some patch notes here (it's quite a list) of things that have been fixed in the latest build as of this afternoon. We appreciate everyone's feedback so far, and even if we don't answer every thread directly we're taking a look and keeping track of things - so keep them coming.

Reminder - we're still on our introductory sale for a few more days! If you'd like to pick up the game at a discount for yourself or a friend, make sure to grab it before March 7th when we go back to the full $14.99 price.

(Poor crystal caves dragonfly.)

Patch Notes

Quality of Life Changes

  • Players can now switch between all characters in Town for chapters 4 and 5, so you can swap your items using the Bank or sell them using the Shop.
  • Added a confirmation prompt to make sure you're ready to move to the next floor.
  • You can now take screenshots with F12.


  • "Lore Collector" achievement is now properly granted.
  • Fixed Bank refreshing gems durability.
  • Fixed Scroll of Endurance causing multiple drafts to appear.
  • Fixed a crash on opening coffin in Challenge Mode.
  • Artemis heal will no longer trigger if you took 0 DMG because of Armor.
  • Fixed an issue where eating 2 food items too fast with the Pan equipped only healed for 1 HP.
  • Fixed whirlpool softlock in Challenge Mode.
  • Fixed torch not working properly if equipped from spoils screen.
  • Fixed Fleet boss' SNIPE giving stamina to player.
  • Fixed dying to boss and simultaneously killing them causing a softlock.
  • Fixed phoenix feather not triggering from ENGAGE self damage.
  • Fixed phoenix feather not triggering from lava pools.
  • STEAL now shows warning if the enemy is out of coins.
  • Fixed an activatable bridge softlock in Challenge Mode (the switch would sometimes not spawn on the floor).
  • You can no longer stash equipped gems to the Bank.
  • Fixed being able to refresh shop by entering and exiting elevator.
  • Fixed a bug in the tutorial that caused players to be softlocked if they quit in between selling the Gold Watch and buying anything.
  • Fixed Slade unlock popup softlocking the game if ESC was pressed before the screen goes black.
  • Fixed being able to trigger Slade's intro dialogue before Slade's unlock popup is shown.
  • Fixed a gamepad controls issue with the Pan.
  • Fixed voracity trigger UI stuck on screen when quitting Avarum fight.
  • Fixed not being able to activate gems during Avarum fight.
Windows Depot 1668291
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