Introducing the Reputation system. Track your standing in human settlements and unlock bonuses by increasing your reputation.
In addition, a new housing feature has been added, enabling players to settle permanently in town. There are also improvements to haggling with shop prices, and several bugs have been fixed.
Save files from v0.4.10 are NOT compatible.
Added a new Reputation system to the game, allowing players to track their standing in human hamlets, towns, and cities.
- Reputation is tracked independently in each settlement.
- When you first arrive in a new location, your reputation will be set to "Stranger".
- Open the reputation window from the "Quests" menu at the bottom of the screen. Click on a reputation tier to see what bonuses are unlocked at that tier.
- Gain reputation by completing quests. All quests now reward reputation on completion.
- Lose reputation by failing quests or attacking citizens.
- Town guards now patrol the streets of human settlements, and will attack players whose reputation falls to "Hated".
- Added a Governor to towns and cities. Speak to a Governor to purchase a house.
- The wisdom reward amount for quests is no longer displayed on the job board. Wisdom and Reputation reward amount follow a standard pattern based on the quest difficulty, but neither are displayed (why would an adventurer write on is job note how much wisdom you'll receive?).
Player House
Removed free places to stay previously available in each town, city, and hamlet. To settle permanently in town, players will now need to buy a house.
- Once you reputation is "Favored" or higher, visit the Governor of the city or town to request to buy a house.
- Houses have 3 storage containers, and a random workbench of either (cooking, alchemy, workbench, reading).
- Houses are not available in hamlets. We think player houses being tied to reputation should greatly increase the value of having a storage base in town and makes the decision of where to stay more important.
In the future we want to add purchasable house upgrades and even placeable furniture, or possibly placing your houses in the wilderness.
Inn Room
Can't afford to buy a permanent house in town? No problem. Inns across the realm now offer rooms for rent, giving you a place to rest and store your items.
- Innkeepers will now rent a room for the price of 10 gold a day, or 50 gold for a week.
- Speak to the Innkeeper again to add more days to your stay, or check how many days are remaining.
- Make sure you can pay, or you may lose access to your stored items until you can rent the room again!
- At low enough reputation, the Innkeeper will kick you out, even if you still have days left.
Other Changes
- Unique quests now display an icon next to their name on the job board for easier identification.
- Changed how the haggling stat affects shop prices. Worsened shop prices (e.g. -20% haggling) now increase prices by the same percentage. Improved shop prices (e.g. +20% haggling) now reduce prices as a percentage of the difference between the buy and sell prices. For example, if a shop sells an item for 100 gold and will pay 50 gold for it, +20% haggling will be 20% of the difference, reducing the price to 90 gold. At +100% haggling, the price becomes 50 gold.
- Reduced the price of Elderberry Wine from 105 to 60 gold.
- The faction formerly known as "The Keepers" has been renamed to "Leafborn".
- Changed the default hotkey for toggling names to "Tab" from "Alt".
- Changed the hotkey for accessing the Quest menu to "J" from "F7".
Item Icons
Added 9 new item icons covering Medicine supplies and our first key.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed UI scaling issues on the character side-pane window.
- Fixed a bug with the "Gremlin Terror" quest, which previously made it unbeatable if the Gremlin Chief was killed before starting the quest.
- Fixed farmer wander behavior, where they would wander off their farms to the edges of the map.
- Fixed player weight displayed in storage and trade windows not taking into account weight reduction bonuses.
- Fixed Infused Darklings being attracted to your magic items even when out of view distance.
- Fixed creatures that should prevent escape from doing so and vice versa, including sprites, green spiders, friendly goats, farm turkeys, friendly turkeys, bloodleeches, vine snakes, and dwelling snakes.
Changed files in this update