- Custom loop when looting a Booty Chest.
- Additional feedback on scene transitions.
- All hold input prompts will have an additional text signifier (i.e. “(HOLD)”) to better state the required input from the user.
- Dialogue UI mouse navigation will now require a first click to select a dialogue choice (instead of just hovering over it).
- Keybinding remap UI mouse navigation will now require a first click to select an action to remap (instead of just hovering over it); additionally, bottom hints for submit will better state their functionality. The first/last element in the remap list will no longer jump out to the map selection when moving up/down respectively with arrowkeys.
- Fade out world map music loop upon transition to random map encounter.
- Fixed a bug that could lead to a miscalculation of the recap value of a condition’s chance in CharacterUI recap view.
- Fixed a bug that could leave some Investigate-type task in an invalid state thus making the relative quest unable to progress.
- In order to de-stall the task it’ll be enough for the user to complete any of the task’s requirements (i.e. speak again with the target NPC).
- Fixed a bug that could lead a Clash of the Maw not to grant one of its rewards.
- Fixed random name not changing upon selecting a different gender in CharacterCreation.
- Fixed bug that caused OSD text for scene transitions towards Alaloth lieutenants’ lairs to remain visible even if already completed.
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Changed files in this update