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Chess Survivors update for 3 March 2023

Dice Ability Update 0.7.1

Share · View all patches · Build 10685368 · Last edited 3 March 2023 – 16:09:27 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is a small patch for some changes I was working on last night after work. In general, this should make the dice ability feel better to use, looks cooler, and be more performant.

Dice Change:

  • New explosion animation that looks SOOO much better (IMO). Under the hood I also made a new system where I can create explosions like this easy for other event, which means there will be some new relics with this in the next patch.
  • Updated the abilities UI art as the only one looked like cheese
  • Dice will now blow up after 1 turn, previous it was after 2 turns. The delay just felt clumsy and now the player should be able to make the next turn faster if they want the dice to blow up before it fully comes to rest.
  • Tweaked the damage numbers, but I can't remember exactly what the old number were
  • Dice damage now increases with the dice roll, goal here is to make rolling a 6 feel really good since it deal more damage and is way larger than rolling a 1
  • Dice explosion now scaled based on player AOE multiplier, previously it was unaffected
  • Dice explosions now scale at only 1/3 the dice roll, but have a larger base scale about. This means that rolling a 1 still effects nearby tiles, but rolling a 6 doesn't blow up the half the screen. If you want to blow up the entire screen you will need to find relics grant AOE multiplier.
  • Fixed a bug where the first time a dice was spawned it lagged out the game
  • Fixed a bug where the dice spawning would sometimes cause the screen to tear or show random white particles. You'll be happy to know this was user error and I had the wrong setting checked for the dice in the Godot game engine.
Windows Depot 2065003
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