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Sidestep Legends update for 3 March 2023

Update 0.5.6 New hostile abilities!

Share · View all patches · Build 10685214 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Time for a new update! This update adds some more variation for the hostile abilities in the waves and also some hostile ability variation on the different maps. It also comes with a rebalance of the difficulty. The game should now hopefully feel much less frustrating and not be too hard for new players.

The curse upgrade has also been reworked and split into different categories so you through the skill tree can increase the difficulty with for different upgrades for anyone that finds the game too easy after the difficulty adjustments.

Also two new abilities that can be unlocked, both healing abilities to help you keep the health up during the tough waves. Full details of the updates is in the patch notes below.

Since this update rearranges the skill tree a bit it will be automatically refunded for you when you start the game. So don't forget to head into the skill tree and pick the upgrades you want in there.


  • Added new hostile ability Arcane Spin that will spawn in some waves. It spins around the spawn position and deals damage if hit
  • Added new hostile ability Ice Projectile that will spawn in some waves. It deals damage and slows the player if hit
  • Added new hostile ability Whirlwind that will spawn in some waves. It deals damage and stuns the player if hit
  • Added new hostile ability Galaxy Orb that will spawn in some waves. It grows larger the longer it travels and deals damage based on the size if hit
  • Remade a lot of the waves and some of them are now different on the different maps
  • Darkened the colour of the sand on the Pirate Map to make spells more visible on top of it
  • Curse in skill tree has been reworked and split into 4 different "upgrades". One for increasing minion spawns, one for increasing the number of abilities spawned, one for increasing the hostile ability damage and one for increasing minion damage
  • New ability Healing Circle, Place a circle of healing on the ground which heals you and any allies in it for 20 health after 3 seconds
  • New ability Healing Potion, Throw a Potion of healing on the ground which grows over time for up to 2 seconds and heals for up to 10 health depending on the size when you walk into it

Balance changes

  • Dragon Resilience passive now unlocks healing upgrades for the abilities that have healing upgrades
  • Removed Curse from in game upgrades
  • Reduced minion spawn rate
  • Reduced the max number of abilities that can spawn at the same time on Asag's Forest
  • Increased the max number of abilities that can spawn at the same time on The Forge


  • Fixed a bug causing the light from flamestrikes to flicker when more than one flamestrike was active at the same time
  • Fixed a bug where the sprint after stealth upgrade did not always apply the corrent movement speed multiplier
  • Fixed a bug where the sprint after stealth upgrade could override the sprint ability's duration
  • Fixed a bug where block did not remove slow effects when used
  • Fixed a bug where dash when upgraded with invulnerability did not remove slow effects when used
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