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TFM: The First Men update for 3 March 2023

TFM Weekly Update 📜 Version 0.6.5

Share · View all patches · Build 10684777 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Welcome back to another #FeatureFriday, descendants of the first men! ːlettuceː


ːhappyhfː [Content] New races: Bullywug, Tengu, Hoarder.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Changed Ergenekon's Bogwalker race to Bullywug.
ːhappyhfː [Content] The Greedy Lockbox in Memoria now drops after killing a Hoarder in the same room.
ːhappyhfː [Content] Added Tengu boss to the Lindaris' Zardas dungeon.

Internal Build Changelog

(these will be available in a future release on TFM's Playtest beta branch)

ːhappyheartː [Feature] We now have saturation levels for each character thanks to the connection between the game mechanic of eating and the energy mechanic controlling characters' food requests.
ːhappyheartː [Feature] Implemented hungry characters starting eating and consuming food.
ːhappyheartː [Feature] The new path rewards system has been implemented. A new clickable reward box appears when a trait is leveled up, allowing the player to select a reward based on the trait that gained the level.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] The character detail panel has been revamped. We now exhibit characteristics that gain experience and character energy.
ːhappyheartː [UI/UX] Refactored character stats. Removed Path Points, Moira, Rigor, Insight, and Fortitude from the game. Stride has been renamed to Movement Speed, Power to Damage Power, Resistance to Block Chance, Perception to Vision Radius, Wit to Cast Speed, and Haste to Action Speed.

As listed above, the work on the next major update is ongoing; we have been reworking old systems and ensuring the iteration runs smoothly. We plan to test the new features with sample content next week and post a video to solicit feedback. Looking forward to hearing what you all think about the changes! ːreexcitedː
Have a wonderful weekend, and see you all next week! ːgearthumbsupː

Windows The First Men Windows Depot 700821
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