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District Steel update for 3 March 2023

Devlog #02: Engine upgrade on Beta branch

Share · View all patches · Build 10684698 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The engine upgrade to Unreal 4.27 has been completed and the patch has been uploaded to the Beta branch for public testing! Once it has been confirmed to be stable I will set it to the main branch. Since most of the game files have been changed due to this upgrade, this patch size will be quite large compared to the usual patches. I'm assuming version 4.27 will be the final engine update for Unreal 4, since Epic is probably fully focused on Unreal Engine 5 from now. So with this out of the way we can fully focus on developing the new content for the game!

We've started working on the next gun to be added to the game. It's a heavy revolver that can be equipped in the side-holster, instead of the default handgun. Its fire rate is slower, but the bullets really pack a punch, so accurate aiming is encouraged! You will need to unlock this weapon first, via a new progression system that I'm working on. This system will also add more exploration and replayability to the missions. Stay tuned for more info about this!

Sneak peek:

Beta branch v0.1.2 - preliminary patch notes:


  • Upgraded game engine to Unreal 4.27
  • Reworked Quick Save system
  • Fixed a randomly occurring crash when loading a save. (FRenderResource Error)
  • Fixed duplicate guns from spawning after loading a save from the main menu.
  • Fixed a bug where the game could autosave while you were dead.
  • Normalized HMD direction for HMD Oriented movement.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the data upload terminals in Mission 04.
  • Fixed a possible issue with the game losing focus when starting.
  • Fixed the game sound being muted when not in focus.
  • Fixed Arm Oriented rocket boost hand if the Boost input is changed to a button on the other controller.
  • Fixed ‘Health Already Full’ display message on HUD.
  • Fixed another bug where you could exit Map Mode without losing the green wireframe vision.
  • Guns now start reloaded at the beginning of a mission, if the ammo is available in your pouch.

Known issues:

  • Some visual effects behave differently in slowmotion in this engine version, I will manually fix these in the coming days.
  • Previous Quick Saves will be lost because of the reworked system. You will still keep your unlocked mission progress in the Select Mission screen, but you’ll have to start from the beginning of the mission if you had quit the game half-way after your last play session. Sorry for this inconvenience!

Have a nice weekend all!

  • AJ
Windows 64-bit Depot 616821
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