The quest overhaul is finally done, took a lot longer than expected, we found a lot of big glitches while working on the update, luckily we managed to nuke them all (except for a minor bug that embarrassingly enough shows up on the trailer, but don't worry it doesn't break anything and it will be fixed today)
The gameloop now includes the NPCs, previously interactions with the citizens of Edengrall was mostly buying items from them since most people just ignored the quests,
The new quests give you more reasons to grow crops, fish and capture critters, they also alert you to types of critters and fish you haven't seen yet and since the NPCs only ask for things that are in season, as soon as you see someone requesting a new critter you can be sure it can be found somewhere.
The next feature we will work on is the end-day screen, when midnight hits a popup (can be disabled on the options) will show your progress in the previous 24 hours, including money earned/spent, skills gained, items gathered, new collectables discovered and NPC friendship gained.
After that we finish it the work on the Exploration update begins with the first feature being the new forageable spawner that will bring Dandelions, Violets and Cattails to the world as well as the new tool, the Shovel and artifact hunting.
Then we will overhaul the grass and start expanding the terrain, starting by unlocking the zone to the east, the pillar coral reef.
Changed files in this update