[2.1.6] - 2023-03-03
-Added Quest Icon to NPCs.
-Added a temporary Delete Avatar feature.
-Added Drag&Drop to throw items to the ground.
-Improved content and dynamics of some quests.
-Improved text font sizes in various places.
-Improved toggles.
-Improved dialogues.
-Improved Waypoint arrow.
-Improved Construction panel.
-Improved Orders.
-Improved Politics panel.
-Improved confirm button on New Message Group panel.
-Improved cursor.
-Improved the location of Pick Avatar button.
-Improved quest order.
-Improved icons in the Banker panels.
-Improved text fields.
-Improved Tax dynamics.
-Improved Material Details.
-Removed Choose Server option from login screen.
-Removed animations from unpinned quest buildings.
-Fixed a bug related to Map Icons.
-Fixed bugs on Room Info panel.
-Fixed a bug on Purchase panels.
-Fixed a bug on Animation Shop panel.
-Fixed a bug on Customization screen.
-Fixed bugs on Profile and Level Bar.
-Fixed a bug on Location Info.
-Fixed a bug related to UI scale.
-Fixed bugs on Block system.
-Fixed a bug on Diamond Shop.
-Fixed a bug on Private Messages.
-Fixed a bug on Building animatons.
-Fixed bugs related to quests.
-Fixed bugs in moving between complexes.
-Fixed a bug in drop animations.
-Fixed a bug on changing platforms.
-Fixed bugs on Politics panel.
-Fixed bugs related to Item names.
-Fixed a bug in Hand Items.
-Fixed bugs on Material Details.
-Fixed the bug in Metro.
-Fixed a bug on Notifications.
-Fixed bugs in Group message.
-Fixed bugs on Error notifications.
-Fixed a bug on Friendship requests.
-Fixed a bug on Citizens panel in Country Settings.
-Fixed bugs in Create Account.
-Fixed a bug on Level Up panel.
-Fixed a bug in Redeem Code.
-Fixed a bug in Delete Account.
-Fixed a bug in Banker dynamics.
-Fixed a bug on Login screen.
Working On
-Working on improving Block system.
-Working on improving dialogues.
-Working on improving Interactive Cursor.
-Working on improving the Quest system.
-Working on improving Tasks panel.
-Working on adding Input and Output device options for Voice Chat.
Changed files in this update