1、The [Continental R-975-C1] engine in the first level of the Expeditionary Force camp was renamed to [Continental R-975-C2] engine.
2、Cancel the R&D affiliation of [M4 Sherman] and [Continental w670] and add the R&D affiliation of [M3 Stuart] and [Continental w670].
3、[Continental R-975-C2] Engine power attribute increased from 360 to 370.
4. Removed the R&D affiliation of [Continental R-975-C2] engine and [Continental w670] engine.
5、Adjusted the position of [M-1903 Type 75mm Field Gun] in the technology tree.
6、Adjusted the position of [Type 30 37mm Battle Defense Gun] in the technology tree.
7、The pre technology of [40mm Bang Bang Gun] and [45mm 20k Gun] was changed from [Type 1 C Tank] to [Vickers Tank].
8、Modified some other detail values in the tech tree
9、Increased the action power of the Assault Tiger to make the Assault Tiger drive a bit faster.
Heavyarms Assemble: WWII update for 3 March 2023
Updated on March 3, 2023
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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