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[Neolithic]To the End update for 3 March 2023

DD#111 Unleash Your Monsters.

Share · View all patches · Build 10681262 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi, everyone. Welcome to join me in a secret laboratory in this week's developer diary.

There are still many characters from our game's previous iterations that have not appeared yet. People who played this game for many years may start to wonder where they are in our current timeline. During this week's update, I brought you the news about one of the distinct characters from SAPC++. The mad scientist known as Dr. Kyofu has returned.

She now sets her establishment in a dark corner of the damned city of Aten, away from anyone who may disrupt her self-claimed great agenda of world domination. In this timeline, she is a banished member of the Caretakers. However, her superior biological knowledge and overconfidence remain unchanged.

More details about her:

However, achieving world domination is no easy deed. Especially, you cannot do that when you are in poverty. Thus, she is quite happy to sell you her service in exchange for some money.

"Maybe God didn't create humans, it's human minds that created God. No, not just God, everything."
The first service she can provide to you is to create your own monsters by fusion some of the pets into one much stronger, horrible one with all the skills inherited. The process is known as Pet Fusion. Such game mechanics can be traced all the way back to when StoneAge Online was still alive. Not much has changed since then. You can create your own highly customized Fusion pets carrying out features belonging to those that you have sacrificed.
They may look like this:

or this:

"Some may call them abominations. I call them the miracles of science!"
With the right pets as fusion materials, you may create something with tremendous power. You may create your own god that makes all your enemies tremble.
In memory of that Stone Age.
More details about Pet Fusion:

"Is the world really what we see? No, the lights go through our eyes and our brain try to make sense of them and make us believe what the world is. Thus, ultimately, how we see this world is what our minds want us to see. Everything out there is just an extension of our own minds. From those supernatural spirits to adorable normal cats. They are all projections of our minds. They are shaped by our thoughts. Those pets are the reflections of who we are."
The second unique service she provides is something new. As you bond with your pets grow, the good doctor believes those pets are extensions of your own minds. They can be one with you because they are you, and you are they. With her anomalous technologies, she can turn those pets with a strong bond with you into your Persona Masks, equipment that inherits the pet's skill, and some attributions that you can wear. However, not everyone shares such views on pets. Thus, some of your companions such as Alicia will feel disgusting about such actions of turning pets into equipment.
More details about Persona Masks are here:

Dr. Kyofu is also always in need of fresh research materials. Thus, she comes with a repeatable side quest. You can help her capture all kinds of wild animals or supernatural beings. In return, she will reward you with some money and a relationship improvement.

Right, you can actually have a relationship with her. If you are in good turn with her, she will give you discounts on her services while offering you more rewards for the side quests she gives you. Maybe you can even start to learn her more human side. After all, she didn't get born as the self-claimed supervillainess she is right now. Maybe it is the world around us slowly turning us into who we are. Yet, not everyone is lucky enough to be born rich or have many friends. Sometimes, the world turns us into monsters. Then, maybe one day, at a breaking point, we simply stopped pretending to be the person everyone expected and become the monster deep down in our hearts that we want to be. Is that our fault or the fault of the world? I'd be interested to know your answer.

Other updates of this week, include random spiders that you can turn into your pets in the Abandoned house, new functions to allow you to convince non-hostile creatures to join you without a fight, and new achievements when performing new pet-related activities.

Let's end this week's developer's diary with a meme:

This is a reference to Crusader King, a game in which you can do quite a lot of messed-up things.
Maybe, deep down, when nobody is watching, we all desire to become such monsters. :)

Today's changelog:
[Pet]New Pet: Tiggerbunny (Fusion Pet from Bunny + Cat or Ghost Cat)
[Pet]Tiggerbunny has a persuasion bonus when trying to convince cats/ghost cats/bunnies to join you.
[FUSION!]Added a very short document about pet fusion in Dr. Kyofu's dialogs.
[FUSION!]Dr. Kyofu will give a discount when doing the pet fusion if you have a good relationship with her. (It existed in yesterday's build. But it was not documented.)
[FUSION!]Added error SFX whenever the process is aborted.
[FUSION!]When fusion is complete, a message will now tell you which Fusion Pet you just created and joined your group.
[Wiki]Added a page about Pet Fusion:
[Dr. Kyofu's Lab]Added a new BGM for this location.
[Steam Achievement]New achievement: Persona (It unlocks once you turn a pet into your persona mask.)
[Steam Achievement]New achievement: Fusion! (It unlocks once you create a Fusion Pet.)

Neolithic-To the End Content Depot 1519141
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