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Long Dream update for 11 April 2023

Long Dream is now available!

Share · View all patches · Build 10681240 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Dear players,

WildMonkey's second pixel game "Long Dream" is now available! We really appreciate your waiting and support! The game is priced at $6.99, with a 10% discount for the first week. We also offer you different bundles with extra discounts, maybe you could find the best option for you.

It has been half a year since the demo was released. We believe that Wang Han and Han Zhaosheng have brought you some joy and moved. Wang Han, who is 30 years old, single and unemployed. Can he find his life goal again? And Han Zhaosheng, whose illness is getting worse day by day. Can he find his beloved Qimei under the peach tree?

Welcome to this "Long Dream" and find the answer by yourself.

WildMonkey & GameraGames

2 bundles including Long Dream is out now!

To celebrate the release of Long Dream, we offer you two bundles with an additional 10% discount!

Bundle 1: Long Dream + Bad Kids
This bundle includes two games developed by WildMonkey: Long Dream and Bad Kids.

Bundle 2: Pixel Carnival
Includes 6 different styles of pixel games: Long Dream, Bad Kids, The Rewinder, Distraint1&2 and Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders.

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