Quail hunting NPCs will no longer shoot birds that aren't on screen.
Changed the point values of bucks in the deer hunts. Currently it was too difficult to climb up the deer hunting point system. Now does give 1 point, button buck 5, spike 7, shooter 10, trophy 15, piebald 25, albino 50. This should make getting skunked a little less severe and a little more palatable.
Changed the money (which was obsolete) in the arcade game to a clock. Clocks drop randomly from shot animals and when picked up will add 3 seconds on to the timer. This will make some of the achievements a little easier to get, though the decision to shoot or run after the timer addition remains with the player.
Public Land Hunter update for 3 March 2023
Hotfix: March 2
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Depot 2104311
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