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Stickman Trenches update for 2 March 2023

Stickman Trenches v1.01 post launch patch/hotfix

Share · View all patches · Build 10678292 · Last edited 3 March 2023 – 00:13:37 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Thank you all for being a part of the launch of Stickman Trenches. We messed up and ended up making some of the difficulty levels too hard, especially for new players and people unfamiliar with this type of game. We're sorry, and we wanted to fix that as soon as we could. We've been reading through the feedback in the discussion threads and on the reviews. Thank you for the feedback.

We've got a lot of work ahead of us but we're listening. And to show that here are some post-day-launch fixes and updates:

Bug Fixes, UI Changes, and Other

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Removed "Shellshock" camera shake from lower difficulties
  • UI scaling for super wide monitor resolutions (please share any further issues on our bugs discussion)
  • Fixed some spelling errors and typos
  • Changed the UI symbol where troops skip the trench (by double clicking the attack arrow) from red, to green to indicate they'll GO to the next trench
  • Added an in game button linking to a Tutorial on YouTube to help out new players (see below)

AI, Artillery and Game Difficulty Level

  • Easy Difficulty: Easy didn't feel all that easy for many new players. And that isn't good. So we made it more approachable. The player will start out with more resources and have more time to build up their army. Enemy AI won't hit you immediately with tanks or artillery giving you the time you need to learn to play the game.
  • Artillery: Artillery was absolutely brutal in World War 1 and we overdid it here, especially on the lower difficulties. So we've put in a fix that should make artillery less frequent and devastating, especially on the lower difficulty levels. Many players felt that AI artillery just felt overtuned or too powerful. We've adjusted it favorably on Easy and Normal difficulty, while leaving it challenging on Hard.
  • Difficulty Levels: As discussed above we've made Easy difficulty more approachable for new players, Normal difficulty more fun and less punishing and kept Hard well, hard!

We've still got more things to fix, and after that we're so excited to share you with our favorite part of developing this game...things that we get to ADD. We'll be sharing a road map for the near future soon. A big part of this update was making the game more approachable for newer players, but for the veterans of the trenches out there who want even more challenge we'll be adding Brutal difficulty. We also are wanting to balance, fix, and optimize endless mode so that it's a fulfilling experience. We're getting reports that many of you are getting past wave 100 and many with ease. We want that to be a fulfilling challenge and accomplishment for players and make endless even more fun.

There are far more exciting things on the horizon for Stickman Trenches, so thanks for Stick-ing with us.
-Big Play Games


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