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Factory Town Idle Playtest update for 2 March 2023

Beta 1.50

Share · View all patches · Build 10677381 · Last edited 2 March 2023 – 20:09:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Patch 1.50 has a lot of new stuff:


Each of the 7 available town slots is assigned to a specific biome (Plains, River, Jungle, Snow, Magic, Mountain, and Desert). Each Biome has various modifiers that affect resource capacity, cultivation & prospecting productivity, and potentially also unique resources (Cactus Fruit in Desert and Dragonfruit in Jungle)

Improved Trading

Trading system has been overhauled. Now all towns can trade back and forth with a global market. The price the item receives is based on supply and demand - If most towns are buying an item and none are selling it, then the price will go up. If most towns are selling an item and none are buying, the price will go down. Maximize your trading efficiency by balancing imports and exports across all your towns. This is especially true for towns in certain biomes that have a lot or a little of specific resources.

Concurrent Town Simulations

Instead of other towns acting idle while in another town, all simulations run simultaneously. This means the inter-town trading occurs in real time.

Misc Fixes and Improvements

  • Shift+A can be used to access the admin console, instead of just backquote (which doesn’t work on all keyboard layouts)
  • Rearranged Town Level display, now shows “XP to next level” instead of total XP. Total XP and XP gain rate can be viewed on the Market panel, where it is earned
  • Added arrow icon to Market header to better indicate that Town Fulfullment affects Town XP Multiplier
  • Simplified display of recipes
  • Fixed missing icons for some upgrades
  • Fixed skill level-ups not immediately applying the skill bonus to the recipe
  • Fixed inventory items not displaying selection state
  • Change icons for House, Research, and Upgrades
  • Fixed ‘Next’ label showing negative values when exceeding target XP
  • When an item is being consumed by a research, it now indicates ‘Research’ in the item details tooltip
  • Fixed Hardware Store capacity upgrade unlock quest using Food Market stats
  • Improved scrolling performance on many menus
  • Fixed Market speed boosts (cash registers) allowing to sell faster than the maximum sell rate
  • Recipes will show up on Crafting panel even if the producing building is not built yet
  • Aqueduct tooltip improved
  • Water natural resource and harvested water correctly show Aqueduct in production / consumption tooltip
  • Tooltip for natural resource consumption shows the correct item being harvested
  • Fixed ‘Natural Resource Regeneration’ icon not appearing in production tooltips
  • Doubled base Aqueduct effectiveness from .25/sec to .5/sec
  • Clicking on the icon for ‘Power’ before any power-producing recipes are unlocked will navigate to the power-producing Water Wheel building
  • Gourmet Food quests now unlock with new global (one-time) quest to build a Gourmet Kitchen, instead of just requiring the active town to have completed Gourmet Kitchen research.
  • Added new global quests to build Hearth, Bakery, and Pasture
  • Fixed Prestige Point and Quest Coin affordability not updating correctly
  • Improved reliability of highlight + scrolling to a prerequesite quest when a locked item was clicked
  • Added proficiency quests & upgrades for Gourmet Kitchen
Windows 64-bit Depot 2258241
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Depot 2258242
  • Loading history…
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