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The Survivors update for 3 March 2023

Update 1 - Military faction and undergroung

Share · View all patches · Build 10677110 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

In this update I introduced a new faction the military
On the airfield near the soul the city is the faction of the military
This faction will offer you 4 types of missions :
First type of mission a rescue mission
Another mission you have to provide goods for the plane to take off and deliver another region
A construction mission
And finally a fourth type of mission where you must therefore eliminate the lieutenants of the enemy faction
You will be rewarded with experience which will be used to initially buy new vehicles there are three in one equipped with a stock

In this update I also introduced basements for buildings and for some small houses

Here you can find money it's a new currency that I introduced for the game which will be used to trade between factions and allow you to buy items

The next update will introduce a loot for each enemy, a more extensive inventory, a crafting table for tools and materials, but I'll come back to that.
I am thinking of creating other basements and a mission for the military.

I would make a correction of some small bug reported by some players.

thank you and good game

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