Hello! Another patch release!
- Hopefully, add support for PS5 controller icons. I don't own one of these gamepads, so please let me know!
- Torpedoes are substantially lighter; the first ship designer tutorial now only requires reducing the ship's armor to 4" thick.
- Add a new type of system, Torpedo Homing, which adds homing capability to all torpedo weapons.
- With Homing II (or Torpedo Homing III+), weapons no longer require target locks to fire.
- Add text to the pause screen to provide tech/treasure collection status.
- The "PT Boat (Gatling Torpedo)" enemy has a significantly reduced fire rate.
- Improve the behavior of homing weapons if the player has no target locked. They will now home in on the "soft locked" target, and will not change targets if the player looks at a different enemy.
- Fix an exploit in the ship designer that allows placing large guns (with tall belowdecks requirements) on ships with shallow drafts. Sorry to all the size-mismatch fans out there!
- Tweak the stats of the Oerlikon AA guns to better fit in-between the Pom-Poms and Bofors.
- The Porter aft bridge gets 1 system slot, not 2; however, tier-4 aft destroyer aft bridges get 2 slots.
- The "Decoy Hologram" special now follows the player around instead of being fixed in place.
- The "Decoy Hologram" special now recharges 5 seconds faster.
- The B97 Vent has better stats.
- The miniature ammo displays now also indicate reload status, so you know when to switch back to torpedoes.
- "Reward" the player if they act in a particularly unwise fashion in "Eitri's Forge".
- In the ship designer, the "part selection mode" button changes color to indicate when it's active.
- Slightly tweak appearance of parts in the ship designer.
- Improve the messaging when unlocking the treasure in "Merlion's Pride". This does mean that the treasure will need to be re-acquired for perfect savefiles. The actual treasure will still be unlocked, but not the dummy part used for the mission.
- Fix the "Poking the Tiger" treasure not unlocking properly; fix the Overdrive II part being impossible to find legitimately.
- Fix a bug causing guns to be invalid after returning to the ship designer from the test range.
- Fix point-defense weapons not shooting at enemy missiles/rockets.
- Fix RAM launcher, Railgun, Dual Platform, Plasma Gatling, Plasma Repulsor, most non-VLS missile launchers being unable to go on superstructure.
- Fix Nelson vent not being valid superstructure.
- Fix bug allowing superstructure to sometimes be able to be moved out from under parts that are built on top of it.
- Guide arrows are hidden when in the binoculars view.
- Fix playership firing immediately on leaving dialog if the player clicks through dialog using the Fire input.
- Fix Kongo vent lacking smoke/flames.
- Fix buggy supply delivery in "Ragnarok".
- Change flavor text on The World's Biggest Laser to clue the player in a bit.
- Fix a bug causing the decoy hologram to never despawn.
- Fix a bug causing the game to get stuck in grayscale and slow motion if the player manages to heal and then get damaged again in the middle of a low-health warning.
- Fix rolloff torpedoes interacting poorly with homing systems; in general weapons that accelerate to a cruise speed should now do so even when homing in.
Changed files in this update