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Voltaire - The Vegan Vampire update for 3 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10676410 · Last edited 3 March 2023 – 17:06:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • As a “thank-you” for supporting the game during Early Access, the next time you open the game you will receive an exclusive Unicorn Onesie cosmetic for Voltaire!
  • Added a new menu prompt where all new content will be displayed every patch (where you will find and collect your brand new Unicorn Onesie costume!)
  • A new Portal indicator has been added and will display whenever your uncles are ready to take you to a new biome
  • A Music Volume slider has been added to the sound options
  • Discord & Twitter buttons have been added to the main menu


  • Fixed an issue that could result in the player being able to cast an infinite amount of permanent traps
  • Fixed an issue with the skill “Gravity Well” that could cause traps not to visually disappear upon activation
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “Fashionista” achievement (unlock 4 cosmetics) to not be awarded when it should
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Bugbug boss to get stuck in flight mode and never land, becoming impossible to defeat
  • Fixed an issue when feeding C’thul that could cause it to not reward the player when hitting the purple or smaller blue stripe in the minigame
  • Fixed the way UI and HUD scaling works in ultrawide resolutions to prevent the vertical clipping of some elements in high resolutions
  • Fixed a couple of tutorial videos not properly displaying on Steam Deck
  • Fixed a couple of textual typos reported by players
  • Fixed several instances of sound artifacting


  • All defensive plants will now dry up if not watered after 1 day instead of 3
  • Skully will now spawn minions slightly slower
  • Yeetus’ base health points have been increased
  • The total experience points necessary to reach level 20 have been slightly increased
  • Soulstone Flowers will now gain a +1HP buff when planted next to each other instead of a double-dropping buff


We have been taking notes of all your feedback and will continue to do so for as long as it takes to make Voltaire the best game it can be.

This has been an amazing launch week and we feel great about the future of the game, especially thanks to all the awesomely supportive comments and heartwarming reviews you have been writing (thank you!), so we’re ecstatic to see that a small but wholesome community is already forming around our floaty vampire.

Our immediate plans are to tackle the most pressing bugfixes and adjustments you have been commenting on first, along with a steady stream of new content for you to enjoy every week during this upcoming month.

The great news is that, overall, you are reporting that the game is very stable and no major gamebreaking issues are happening very often, if at all. This means that we can safely focus on adding onto this base right away, tackling both new content and quality of life improvements all at once.

We have noticed a prevalent comment about the extent of our tutorial dialogues, as well as the fact that players often learn things by themselves way before uncles Frank and Stein ask them to perform those tasks for the first time.

With that in mind, we will be making adjustments to ensure our tutorials become more reactive to what the player has already done, as well as trimming down on superfluous texts where we feel like it is not adding to the humorous nature of the experience or containing essential information, which is also something we will try to keep in mind in future dialogues and textual information.

Besides this tutorial review, we’re also aware that you are craving for more variety (of every form!) so we will start by introducing new veggies, new defensive plants and new enemy critters that perform more complex roles, especially when it comes to making combat more dynamic.

Along with these smaller updates, we will also be focusing on introducing more constructible elements and random-chance encounters that will allow you to spend your materials and overflowing veggies in a meaningful way, which is something we will expand a lot further on in upcoming DevLogs.

Besides all of this, we will continue to cook-up larger patches that contain new activities, characters and game modes that break the mold of what you have already experienced, as well as constantly improving on balance and game feel along with your help and feedback.

We feel that this is a good recipe to begin our Early Access journey with, and we sincerely hope that you will tag along as we create, transform, and improve this adventure full of veggies, compassion, and spooky, heart-warming fun.


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