Get ready for the next big update! 🖌️
In case you missed it, another free update is coming to Escape Simulator on March 8th! This update will include the brand-new room; Leonardo's Workshop, in which you will need to solve all sorts of puzzles revolving around the legacy of Leonardo da Vinci. As always, we are also including an additional outfit and a soundtrack, so you can get fully immersed in this new setting. Finally, the update also includes a full translation of Escape Simulator into Italian!
We hope you are all looking forward to this update! Looking for some more rooms to play in the meantime? The room builders from our community got you covered! So without further ado, here are our top community room picks for February!
Vikings await!
If you've been keeping up with our monthly picks, then you are probably already familiar with room builder Brengo! Brengo is known to make some incredibly beautiful and atmospheric rooms and Song of the Longhouse absolutely continues that trend! In order to make your way out of the titular longhouse, you will need to delve into Norse mythology and translate ancient runes. Another instant classic!
This house is haunted! 👻
Up for something truly spooky? Be warned, because The Evil House by Lycos is definitely not for the faint of heart! In this community room, you will need to make your way through an abandoned house with a dark and secret past. Chills guaranteed!
What a way to make a livin'!
If you're in the mood for something a bit more light-hearted, then we highly recommend you to check out the latest room by GetOffMyBeard. In Jobville: Working 9 to 5 you will need to solve some SERIOUS problems at your new job. Honestly, who's responsible for causing a flood at the office? It's going to be a long, long day...
A sinister story...
So far, there have been three entries in the 'Kidnapped' series by Green Hand, which tells a mysterious and sinister story. Seeing as it's been a while since the first part originally got published, Green Hand decided to remake it! Kidnapped - Part 1 Remake is a complete reimagining of the original room with new puzzles and even more sinister vibes! If you've been keeping up with this series, you'll definitely want to check this one out.
In the middle of the night
Something Is Wrong is another excellent room by Bartololomeo, who has been consistently putting out great content since the very beginning! In this room, you wake up at 2AM with an uneasy feeling. You're not exactly sure what it is, but something isn't right. In fact, something is very wrong! This community room includes flashing lights, violence and jump scares, so be warned!
See you next week!
That's it for February's monthly picks! We hope these incredible rooms are enough to keep you entertained until Leonardo's Workshop launches next week, but of course there are always more great community rooms for you to check out. In the meantime, you can always join us on our official Discord or subreddit to talk about all things related to Escape Simulator. We hope to see you there!
Changed depots in ci_release branch