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Demon Turf update for 6 March 2023

Demon Turf Tower OUT NOW!

Share · View all patches · Build 10675724 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Tower in fear…

Demon Turf Tower is out now! This free expansion issues a challenge to any confident climbers, be you a Demon Turf veteran or someone new to the world of Beebz. Join some familiar faces in a monolithic new place and pit yourself against your most gruelling test yet…

Laugh. Cry. Die. Repeat.

Intricately designed to pressure even the proudest of platformers, this DLC will be both a test of skill and mental endurance. Players must traverse the Jester’s troublesome tower reclaiming lost abilities, all within one life. As you progress through the various floors, new threats and obstacles will litter your path. You may have to change tactics on the way, but the tower stands unchanged upon each return, meaning you’ll climb ever so slightly higher with each attempt. Practice makes perfect!

50 floors of torture await vengeful demons, and we encourage players who haven’t explored the core experience to do so first. This will aid you in scaling the tower and help to familiarise you with the game. Whilst this isn’t essential, be warned. You will fall. A lot.

Time Your Tower Trip

Bested the tower? We don’t believe you. If by some miracle you do manage to ascend the tower and return unscathed, your time will be recorded and posted on a handy leaderboard. This means that even when you finally conquer the tower, the silent taunts of those quicker than you will pull you back in on your quest to be the best.

Demonically Delicious Discount!

Still yet to jump into Demon Turf? Not to worry, we’ve got you sorted. Demon Turf is on its biggest discount yet at 50% off, what a way to celebrate the launch!
There has never been a better time to dive into Demon Turf, we can’t wait to see (and hear) all your tears/screams/cries of frustration. See you out there, demons! 😈

Windows Demon Turf Windows Depot 1325902
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