Hey Everyone,
Sorry it's been so long, As some of you may know. I thought I lost the working files for the game. it wasn't till recently I found a Backup copy of a build that was nearly complete. So I finished the build and then went about fixing all the bugs and issues the current live version has, then added a TON more content to the game. I did take some content out as it was causing issue with performance, but I have added more then enough to compensate for it.
Did a mention, You can pet the dog now?... :)
I will continue to improve on The Chronicle and add more content over the next few months.
This game does not hold your hand, Best way to get the most out of this game is to Explore, there is so much cool stuff to find. :)
Thanks so much for all the awesome support, I look forward to hearing your feedback.
May The Hue Be With You.
Changed files in this update