IMPORTANT: This update includes changes to how saving works in an attempt to prevent rare instances where save files became corrupted, but it's possible that these changes may affect your existing save file. If you are worried about this, I recommend that you wait for future beta patches or until this patch is out of beta.
- Bonus base life per level reduced from 10 to 8 for all enemies.
- Giant Frog: Attack sound added.
- Blessing of Power: Bonus power increased from 12 to 14.
- Emergency Supply: Minor healing potions created by this emblem now only last for 6 seconds.
- Base player power increased from 70 to 100 and all basic/primary spell damage power factors have been lowered accordingly to keep their starting damage roughly the same. [This effectively buffs all expert damage spells while reducing the power scaling of basic/primary spells.]
- Mana cost of all expert spells increased.
- Cooldown for most expert/defensive spells increased.
- Various rune descriptions updated for clarity.
- Dragon's Breath (Wildfire): Damage increased from 650% power to 700%.
- Drain Soul (Masochism): Damage threshold increased from 50 to 80, refresh duration increased from 3 seconds to 3.5, now triggers on-cast effects.
- Invigorate (Stimulant): Bonus attack speed increased from 40% to 45%.
- Save data is now encoded again (as it was pre v0.1.00a).
- Challenge Level VII: Number of Sonic Turrets that spawn in the Catacombs increased from 2 to 4, added the second hazard to the Clock Room (Blade Turrets), added sounds for Rail Blades in the Sewers, added sounds for Tesla Coils in the Clock Room.
- Tome - Power: Bonus power increased from 4 to 5.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where Hubris emblem was not registered as an unlockable.
- Fixed bug where Electric Field spell would crash the game on cast if certain other spells/runes/emblems were equipped.
- Fixed bug where Starfall (Barrage) spell triggered mana costs and on-cast effects multiple times.
- Fixed bug where the Stone Skin spell's shield health would grow indefinitely when damaged.
Changed depots in developer branch