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Warlander update for 2 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10672532 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Greetings Warlander!

We've released a patch with changes and improvements to gameplay, event functions, UI/UX, training area, and skill balance, as well as a large number of bug fixes.

Change of season duration

  • The end date of the current Season 0 has been changed.
  • Before change: Ends April 19, 2023, at 9:00 (UTC)
  • Now: April 25, 2023, 9:00 (UTC)

Additional Functions

  • Event rules have been added that only certain classes can participate.
  • Elemental Fury will be held under this rule, in which only Mages can participate.
  • We hope you will enjoy a different kind of long-distance warfare-oriented Warlander!

Leaver Penalties

  • Penalties will now be given for exiting from the menu or leaving a game unattended.
  • Players who do not finish a match properly will not be able to enter the match for a certain period of time.
  • Players who are repeatedly doing things that are subject to penalties will have their penalties extended and will be restricted from matching for a longer period of time.
  • We will continue to add new ways of detecting game abandonment (AFK) to penalize.

Voice Macros

  • Voice macros will no longer be notified to other players if used multiple times in a row.
  • When using voice macros or markers in succession, callouts and voice macros will no longer play continuously on other players' screens.

Beginner Quests

Improved the content of beginner quests.

  • Changed the conditions for clearing steps 1-4.
  • If there is a quest with changed conditions for a step that is currently in progress, the progress with the old conditions will be reset.
  • If there is a Quest with changed conditions in an already-cleared step, it will remain clear.
  • This change does not revert the cleared step to an uncleared state.


The following key configurations can now be changed:

  • Entering additional skills
  • Cancel a Skill
  • Re-Deploy

UI/UX Improvements

  • New item and title icons now disappear when the cursor is held over them.
  • Tooltips for Familiars now display attack power against humans and objects.
  • Changed so that Glamours already installed are also displayed in the list of equipment appearance changes.
  • The range of emotes that can be set for each voice macro has been increased.

Adjustments to Training Area

  • BOTs with higher title ranks have been placed in the training area.
  • Allied BOTs in the training area now participate in team skills.
  • The behavior of BOTs in the training area when blown away while in guard status has been changed.
  • Before: After being blown away, the BOT will return to its original position by normal movement.
  • After change: After being blown away, the BOT will return to its original position while guarding.

Gameplay adjustments

Opening Gates
  • When an enemy player is near and outside the gate, the gate cannot be opened.
  • The judgment of opening and closing the gate according to the position of the enemy and the player attempting to open the gate will be as follows.

The gate can be opened.

  • Opener: Inside the gate -- Enemy: Inside the gate
  • Opener: Outside of the gate -- Enemy: Inside of the gate

Cannot open the gate

  • Opener: Inside the gate -- Enemy: Near and outside the gate
  • Opener: Outside of the gate -- Enemy: Near and outside of the gate
Tower Capture
  • You can now earn Valor points even when you reduce the control meter of an enemy Tower.
  • The number of Valor points earned when capturing a Tower has been adjusted from 50 to 40 points.
  • The behavior of BOTs during a match has been improved.
  • Enemy players in your castle will always be shown on the map.

Skill Balance

  • Stormbringer's ULT "Thunderstorm" now grants 200 armor to the caster.
  • When using Dispel on Firewall, it is now possible to erase the entire firewall.
  • Fog has been adjusted from 15s to 18s because of its short cool time and wide range, which had a greater impact on the battlefield than expected.
  • Cool time: 15s to 18s
  • The range of the effect has been reduced at all levels.
Crystal Defender

The following adjustments have been made to the Crystal Defender, which had a short cool time, making it easier to activate multiple times in a single battle.
Cooldown: 6s to 18s


The following adjustments have been made to the Valor Points earned when healing an allied player, as it was an easier way to earn Valor Points than to use other actions.
The amount of Valor points earned has been decreased from 60 to 50.

Team Play

In order to evaluate actions that contribute to the team from various perspectives, the following evaluation items have been added:

  • When a player grants Holy Armor to a teammate, he or she receives Valor points.
  • However, players do not earn Valor points when they grant Holy Armor to themselves or before the start of a match.
  • Dispelling an enemy's object born from a Skill or Protection on an enemy will earn you Valor points.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip of guard shooting sometimes did not show the attack power.
  • Fixed a bug where the breakdown of Valor points of mercenaries was not displayed in the results.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the season rank progress gauge to show unnatural behavior under certain conditions in results.
  • Fixed a problem in which the required CP value displayed in the tooltip in results was displayed as lvl 1 regardless of the actual level.
  • Fixed a problem in which alliance status was not synchronized across players in rare cases.
  • Fixed a problem in which players' Valor points in a match were sometimes not synchronized properly.
  • Fixed a problem in which Valor points for capturing a Tower could be earned repeatedly under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug in which the key help message "Close the gate" would sometimes appear when the winch was deactivated.
  • Fixed a bug where the display of the anti-object attack power of Powerbomb was displayed.
  • Fixed a bug where the beginner quest would not be cleared even if an emote was performed during the victory or defeat staging.
  • Fixed a problem in which it appeared that the maximum number of skills and talents could be obtained in the result rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where a long wait time would sometimes occur when purchasing items in the store in succession.
  • Fixed a problem in which some reward images were not displayed on the Season Pass screen.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause members of an army to be separated from party members after being matched together.
  • Fixed an issue where the robot would sometimes stay floating when it landed.
  • Fixed a problem in which the HP of the player on the robot was sometimes displayed incorrectly when the player was on the robot.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the camera to behave incorrectly when a player lost a match while falling.
  • Fixed a problem in which some traces of Sentry Anti Cheat remained after uninstalling Warlander. While these files were not functional and totally harmless, the un-clean uninstall was not intended and was also misleading.
  • Fixed a problem in which the player could be attacked by the Crystal Defender even if he or she guarded against it.
  • Some text has been corrected.
  • Fixed some sound effects.

We were able to identify and fix many bugs through reports and communications from our players.
Thank you for your cooperation in improving the game.

And of course, thank you for your continued support of Warlander.

⚔️ Your Warlander Team 🛡️

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Changed depots in libra_tl_dev_test_play branch

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