Early Access 1 Patch 2023.5
- Ticket #1287 QOL - Galaxy camera position saved/restored when entering and existing system view
- Ticket #1430 Applying settings in galaxy menu creates blank ticker event fix
- Ticket #1429 QOL – Gamma correction and sharpness controls added to settings menu
- Ticket #1425 Building destroyed miscount after auto combat fix
- Ticket #1215 Diplomacy menu hot key fix
- Ticket #1419 Event ticker star date fix
- Ticket #1416 Multiple protomatter devices built during same turn fix
- Ticket #1422 Softlock with multiple event cutscenes during the same turn fix
- Ticket #1421 & 949 Expansion ship sent from Planet Menu disappear after cancel fix
- Ticket #1417 Ringworld research data missing fix
- Ticket #1415 Empty player fleet on tactical exit after loss fix
- Ticket #1433 Comet not disappearing after destruction fix
- Ticket #1423 Multiple artificial planets in a system fix
- Ticket #1427 Modified auto ship designs not saving fix
- Ticket #1426 Opening modified ship designs in Ship Designer results in fighter design being loaded fix
- Ticket #1432 GNN Events and Event ticker name fixes
- Ticket #1428 QOL – Weapon Designer remembers firing arc for normal and heavy mounts
- Ticket #1436 Random events diplomacy check fix
Additional Fixes:
- Additional Tooltip fixes and text centralization/cleanup
Possible issues:
- Build queue menu current production/selection area does will not display correct production/cost/maintenance data in new UI area. Players can use existing data location in current building image.
Changed files in this update