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Malicious ReloadⅡ update for 5 September 2023

【Playmeow】🐾Good Meow News🐾Here are some great games coming soon~💝✨

Share · View all patches · Build 10670889 · Last edited 5 September 2023 – 08:09:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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《Succubus life》


From suddenly being attacked by Noel to living with you (Player name can be changed)
Living together is... Having a Noel who always wants to suck you dry and eat you up,
Working to earn money to buy a bunch of cute new clothes
Talking or having intimate physical contact to deepen your feelings for each other...♪


◇Costume Change Cosplay
◇Basic CG: 22 types
◇Animation CG: 5 types

Living together means having sex all over the house!
Living with a succubus is really too busy!
You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want!
If you continue to starve Noel, you may be attacked...!

《Super Idol》


The story starts with the graduation of Yurou Huang from a music school. The player will take on the role of the young music producer Xinbing Huang and help his brother-obsessed sister, Yurou Huang, enter the glamorous world of show business as a contracted singer to pursue the dream of becoming a super idol, together with other singers!
In this role-playing simulation game, you will experience a mixed virtual journey of pursuing dreams with perseverance while degenerating at the mercy of hidden rules.


Album Production System, Moral Choices, Semi-liberal branching system, High-level album production, Rich character interaction, A realistic reflection of show business...

In the process, the player can let the sister defeat other competitors using her own strengths or use his social network to escort his sister to the top. Not only will the sister face different choices, but the player will also face the temptation of hidden rules, wavering between advancement and degradation.

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