Change Log
Unlocking heroes now unlocks their ability but also adds that ability to the pool of available abilities in the current play-through
- as an example this means you can unlock Fire Bolts during the same game where you unlock Sorceress
Goblins and Brigands should now be easier to kill for faster paced early progression
Permanent Upgrades now show their cost even if you can't afford them
Fixed an issue with Salem Arrowpoint still using erroring cloth physics which would fill the camera with clutter from some angles
Buffed the duration of DoubleDamage pickup from 10 -> 30 seconds
In-game encyclopedia progress displays now rounds to 2 decimals for health
Added an in-world warning if you try to use Q or E to open the encyclopedias before unlocking them
Fixed an issue that would case a crash on rare occasions when trying to roll for ability upgrades per level
Fixed overshooting of FireBolt projectiles during extreme lag or extreme projectile speeds
Fixed overshooting of UnholyWater projectiles during extreme lag or extreme projectile speeds
Save files now contain only necessary information such as Id, Counters and State of unlocks
Changed files in this update