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Dungeons of Aether update for 1 March 2023

Patch 1.05 - Post Launch Day Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 10666633 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:51:30 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

First and foremost - thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone so far who's played Dungeons of Aether! We hope you're having a blast exploring the caverns beneath Julesvale and pushing the leaderboards with Challenge dungeons.

Yesterday we made a few day 1 fixes to take care of some of those launch bugs that inevitably come up when hundreds of people suddenly start playing your game at once. In addition to bug fixes, we've also been reading your feedback here on Steam (as well as our Discord) and agree with the general feedback that Hamir could use a bit of love. With that in mind we have another small patch today with some of those changes.

We've also gathered up the fixes that have already been implemented so you can see the changes all in one place. Please restart Steam to force an update to this latest version if you don't see it automatically fetch the latest build.

Hamir Balance Changes

We've seen feedback that Hamir has been giving some players the toughest sessions so far. These changes should help push his strengths for new players. If anything we'd rather have him be a little too fun and forgiving than too punishing.

  • +1 Base accuracy stat.
  • No stamina will be lost on killing blows.
  • Enemies are easier to bait into attacking Hamir, so that he can more effectively use his passive to block and gain stamina.


These have already been implemented yesterday on launch day, but we're listing them here for reference.

  • Fixed a crash on startup with certain computers.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from finding a necessary key in chapter 2 with Hamir.
  • Fixed a softlock on holding RMB and moving to a map event.
  • Fixed a crash on game start.
  • Fixed a crash on using gem of lightning.
  • Fixed a crash when dying as Slade to Foreman Kohler.
  • SNACK description updated.
  • Fixed a crash on using bandage.
  • Fixed dice having fishnets during chest challenge.
  • Fixed Fleet drawing below textures at the end of Chapter 3.
  • Fixed "Lore Collector" achievement.
  • Fixed RAVE giving a red 5 die instead of 6 die.
  • Fixed a crash on pressing F9.
  • Fixed some grammar typos.
  • "Tritanopia" spelling fixed.
  • Fixes related to pause menu drawing.
Windows Depot 1668291
  • Loading history…
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