[Pet]You can now try to persuade certain types of non-hostile creatures to join your group without a fight. (Roll persuasion against a difficulty.)
[Pet]If you use a pet with a similar species type to the target, the difficulty will significantly reduce.
[Pet]GhoOoOoOosts can now be persuaded to join you. (Difficulty reduction: use ghosts/ghost cats to persuade them.)
[Pet]Cats can now be persuaded to join you. (Difficulty reduction: use cats/ghost cats to persuade them.)
[Pet]Dogs can now be persuaded to join you. (Difficulty reduction: use dogs/wolves to persuade them.)
[Pet]Bunnys can now be persuaded to join you. (Difficulty reduction: use bunnys to persuade them.)
[Pet]Bats can now be persuaded to join you. (Difficulty reduction: use bats to persuade them.)
[Pet]Camels can now be persuaded to join you. (Difficulty reduction: use camels to persuade them.)
[Pet]Rats can now be persuaded to join you. (Difficulty reduction: use rats to persuade them.)
[Character]If you manage to peacefully convince a cat to join you when Alicia is in your group, relationship will improve.
[Neolithic]To the End update for 1 March 2023
Update, Version 20230301
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Neolithic-To the End Content
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