Hello Raiders!
- Several visual improvements have been made to the gameplay, including targeting and mana VFXs
- Added exclusive avatars that can be claimed during certain periods of time. After claiming one, you unlock it permanently
- Added a feature that allows you to pledge allegiance to a certain community and claim their exclusive avatar. You can only join one community per account.
- Some Status Effects now display an VFX when applied
- Triforce skills now use visuals to indicate if the Triforce is activated or not
- Added tooltips for items, explaining the relevant effects
- Reworked the UI to give it a new feel, and preparing for the upcoming mobile version
- Gameplay in PvP now shows the Kill Count instead of Lives to improve clarity
- Fixed some translation errors
- Fixed some issues related to disconnecting in PvP matches
- Fixed a bug in which dragging a skill while the timer runs out made it impossible to play in the next round
- Fixed some texts that were bleeding out of their designed regions
- Fixed the size of some buttons that were inconsistent
- Fixed an error that swapped the player avatars in some cases
Changed files in this update