- Fixed SSE and SSE2 are required and Game shader trying to override a base shader errors on startup for players that have other Source Engine games in their PATH;
- Fixed a server crash when a player who did the first kill of the round left the server before the end of the round;
- Added a team kill punisher: if a player is at or below _t_teamkill_karmathreshold karma (default: 50), killing _t_teamkilllimit teammates (default: 3) in a single round will result in a kick and a temporary ban, team kill counter will go down by 1 each round until it reaches 0;
- Updated existing voice lines and added new voice commands:
- I'm walking here.
- Deliver the clue.
- Hold fire!
- They're innocent.
- Follow me.
- Get out of here!
- Sorry.
- Stick together.
- Added Player Mute option in the main menu, that allows you to mute voice chat from specific players;
- Fixed incorrect name of _t_rating_round_wintraitors console variable (previously shared name with _t_rating_round_wininnocents);
- Added a soft limit of traitors: _t_traitorsmax (default: 4);
- Softcoded the number of traitors to be chosen: total number of players divided by _t_traitorsprevalence (default: 4);
- Changed default values of some console variables:
- _t_revivecooldown to 50;
- _t_dev_immunitytime to 10.0;
- _t_dev_immunitydamage to 0.25;
- _t_karma_round_winalive to 15;
- _t_karma_killenemy to 5;
- _t_karma_killteammate to -12;
- _t_dev_clue_glowtime to 6.0;
- Creating a kick vote now requires specifying a reason for kick;
- Changed Detective selection algorithm, now it's much less likely that the same person will be a Detective more than once in a row;
- Added a brand new Don model, that will also be used for players during Annihilation rounds;
- C.P.U. now has an arrow icon, showing it's location, when you hold a clue (can be toggled client-side using _t_disable_cpuicon);
- Zombie Traitors will now have flies particle flying around them;
- Picking up a clue after round end will no longer preserve it for next round;
- Proximity voice chat is now automatically disabled at the end of the round;
- Bomb damage will now count as coming from the player who planted the bomb, so damaging someone with a bomb will now show up in your damage counter;
- Added a console variable to toggle in-game hints: _cl_hudhintenable;
- Hints, that require you to approach a certain entity (such as C.P.U. hints or Clue hints) will no longer trigger when you are spectating;
- Fixed incorrect Hat model skins for Mafia (when the hat is shot off);
- Don's body glow will now produce a sound;
- Round end screen will no longer show irrelevant stats in Annihilation;
- Changed font of HUD menus (such as voice commands menu);
- Made voice status panel wider;
- Removed rounded corners from hint box, making it look consistent with the rest of the design;
- When spectating a player, you will now see their Steam name next to their Pseudo name;
- Voting music will no longer be stopped when casting a vote;
- Round end screen will now show player of the match and final kill of the match if it was the last round;
- Round end screen will now show Zombie Traitors separately, at the end of traitors list;
- When you are a Traitor and have been revealed, player card will now have a target icon over your role icon;
- Made background of Play or Spectate menu darker;
- Main menu music will now restart when leaving the server through main menu button;
- Spectator UI will now fade out when round end panel is fading in;
- Game icon has been slightly updated;
- New map: Villa;
- Added balcony at Bombsite B, that connects Mid and Bombsite A;
- Added an extra route between Bombsite B and Bombsite D;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
- Removed walls at Bombsite D;
- Added a peek spot near Bombsite B;
- Extended room with window, that leads outside;
- Extended garage in basement;
- Removed some doors near C.P.U. table;
- Made main corridor wider;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
- Expanded area between Bombsite Green, Bombsite Red and Bombsite Blue;
- Changed area around Blue Bombsite;
- Expanded several corridors throughout the map;
- Added C.P.U. signs;
- Increased delay before fire appears at spawnpoint;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
- Added a room behind Bombsite A, with a secret route to the gym;
- Added windows to the garage door of the gym;
- Changed beach;
- Removed glass doors at Bombsite B;
- Extended room behind C.P.U.;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
Dust 2 Ode
- Added stairs from Mid to the C.P.U.;
- Changed textures;
- Added 3D skybox;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
- Extended corridors behind Bombsite A and Bombsite C;
- Added C.P.U. signs;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
- Added Bombsite C and Bombsite D;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
- Moved C.P.U. to another location on the second floor;
- Expanded various corridors and rooms;
- Added various cover spots;
- General optimizations;
Changed files in this update