- Reworked gradient system to allow gradient blend type to be sent with gradient data.
- Hotkey now triggers on key press (instead of release)
- Hotkey can be triggered after another without releasing modifier keys.
- Uninteractable items are now more distinct.
- [Graph] Ability to copy, and paste nodes.
- [Graph] Ability to adjust midpoint in curve, elbow line.
- [Graph] Improve curve connection line rendering.
- [Inspector] Curve box can be zoomed out (fixed zoom level).
- Anchor point is fixed between 0 to 1
- Control points fix fixed between -1 to 1
- [Animator] Add the ability to duplicate, copy, and paste keyframes.
- [Animator] Remove all keyframes will remove nodes from the timeline.
- [Preview window] Now support image array.
New cache node.
[Group] Add button to manually execute every node inside.
[Export] Option to start image sequence at any index.
[Fluid, rigid body render] Now cache output for timeline scrubbing.
[Cache, cache array] Cached surface is now stored between sessions.
[Cache, cache array] Caching now support surface array.
- Fix rigid body node only run after the first loop.
- Fix error when exporting node with cache.
- Fix crash when sending image array to preview window.
- [Ase read] Fix layer name not save.
- [Math] Fix value b does not show up in inspector on lerp mode.
Changed depots in beta branch