Here is the list of changes that are included in today's patch:
– City N closes its doors until next year.
– Squirrel candies that you didn't have time to exchange in City N can be exchanged at the NPC Trader in the Airport.
– Start of the 8th PvP season: 04.03.2023 to 04.05.2023
Please note that the season now lasts two months!
– Change in weapon rewards for 1st-10th place this season:
1st place - "Colt M16A4"
2nd place - "AK-109"
3rd place - "SIG 550"
4th place - "VSS"
5th place - "VSS"
6th place - "AS VAL"
7th place - "AS VAL"
8th place - "Steyr AUG A2"
9th place - "Steyr AUG A2"
10th place - "FN FNC"
– PvP mode "Sabotage" now participates in the rating competition.
– In PvP "Sabotage" mode, an alert about the task of attack or defense has been added at the beginning of the round.
– Fixed a bug in PvP quests for the Capture the Flag arena (the arena type was displayed as Sabotage).
– Fixed a bug in the “Usov-Topi” event, when the fighters of the “Cliff” private security company were respawned during the event with verlioks.
– Mazai now allows characters who are at war with the Mustache Village group to enter the Mustache-Marsh event (however, the passage through Mazai is still closed for such characters to the Black Forest).
– The description of the quest “Arachnids of the Lubech Outskirts” has been corrected; in quests, several quest items no longer drop out where one should drop out.
– Fixed the door to the laboratory (Outlands): now it is not shot through, and the spiders correctly cover it with cobwebs.
– The Swamp Men camp now has a safe zone for PC players, like the Pioneer at the Airport location (also the Pioneer now talks to the PC).
– Fixed the old reward in the Khmyr quest "Delicate work".
– Fixed access to Tunguska through the pilot Mykola Afanasich with sufficient reputation of the “Former ZATO Administration”.
– The dialogues of the Greek and Mark in Lyubech have been recompiled.
– Fixed re-acceptance of the quest “Planes are flying: Details from Karl” after canceling (from Karl).
– Fixed a bug where Tatarin would not give a package to Shtaket in case when "Problem with Verlioks" was performed twice in a row with a short break.
– Fixed appearance of Kuzma inside the stands of the stadium.
– In the settlement "Radius" the hole in the fence is closed, and the mutants can no longer attack the Quartermaster.
– Information dialogs have been added to the guards of the Gourmet Kitchen and Mokrukha.
– Mark's "Olympic Training" quest is now a Chapter. You can try to go through it again a day after the failure, without waiting for the full rollback of the chapter.
– Fixed a bug in the counter of the number of simultaneous “side jobs” taken from NPCs (when the NPC did not want to give a new task even if there were no active side jobs in the Journal)
– Fixed minor errors in the dialogues of such NPCs as: Peter, Sanya Portnoy, Kich, Shperling, Vatslavich, Savva Garadze, etc.
– Weapon modifiers now correctly display the category they belong to. (Some modifiers used to have a "Parts" category.)
– Now the reward for the “Forgotten suitcase” event on Novaya Zemlya, O. Severny, is sent to the NPC Artyom.
– Reduced the flash of flames when firing the OTs Groza 14-4.
– In the quest "And again the road in the ice" instead of "Frozen Coins" are now issued "Black Cartridges".
– The exchange of “Frozen Coins” for “Black Cartridges” has been added to the Specialist.
– In the Forgotten Ice event, the attack range of mutants has been increased.
SO Team
Changed files in this update