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Leman update for 1 March 2023

v2 is now live!

Share · View all patches · Build 10664151 · Last edited 1 March 2023 – 13:39:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Game name changed to Leman!

New cover art!


Everyone gets a 50% Hit Point boost. This makes the battles a bit longer and smooths out the luck somewhat. Also makes arrows and ranged attacks a little worse. (you are more likely to be able to charge across the battlefield before dying)
All bonus and penalties to health (e.g Tough skill, Broad trait) get 50% bonus too.
On loading an old save game, HP will be adjusted.

Some traits are now visible on the hiring screen. Every trait has a secret score that shows how obvious it is - e.g. Tall/Short is very obvious - Kind/Bully is much less so.
As traits and skills are now generated along with the name and profession of the potential recruit, it will no longer be possible to reload until you get someone super...

Evened out the RNG in starting positions. All your starting guys will be neither exceptional, nor total rubbish.

It is now much harder to shoot through enemy troops, protecting those mages at the back a bit more. If the front-ranker is in Defensive Mode, it is very hard indeed to shoot past him...

Bears - increased in points (you will face fewer of them) and blocked from missions untl at least day 50.

If you have many Hit Points, you heal a little faster.

It's slightly easier to regain stamina in combat.

Halved the unskilled bow use penalty again.

A little more protection for small/under strength parties. (Enemy numbers were already reduced against small parties, but now more so)

Enemies on strategic map a bit more aggressive. (Bandits weren't very keen to attack unless you were very weak)

Bugs fixed

Clear square properly on a death, in combat. (Affected leap and a few other skills)

You can no longer control Beasts and Allies after they have moved.

Fix to Druid - on reverting back to mansize, can now fire his bow if he was carrying one.

Stop invisible units (imps mainly) stacking on the same square. (Yes, they can see each other now!)

Road no longer occasionally blocks missiles

Big hands on death bug fixed, when using direct damage spells like Drain Life


Sounds of pain on injury - now scale to damage done. e.g. just a grunt if they only lost a HP or two.

Animated some icons

You can now see the "bought for" price on trade goods.

Escape on the strategic map no longer takes you back to the main menu - people kept thinking they had lost their game when this happened.

Save game right at the start.

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