this version number should show in the bottom left of your Main Menu
Break Fixes
- Testing fix for freezing/crashing when returning to Main Menu
- Testing fix for the Card Shop not offering any Units
- Testing fix for the Card Shop offering a base unit when it should be upgraded
- Fixed 3/4 Star Units to show in the Card Shop under a certain level bracket if tech is unlocked
Player Unit Changes
- Buffed Void Dragon+ Attack Damage
- Fixed Void Dragon+ movement animation
- Fixed Water Elemental+ death animation
- Fixed Rogue+ Attack Range back to normal
- Fixed Earth Elemental base and + name
Map Changes
All Maps
- Fixed End Boss being killed by the Nuke
Map 1
- Massively buffed Tier 1 tower Attack Speed
- Fixed towers giving double gold
Map 6
- Fixed Ice Whelp from not visually being affected by Elf Polymorph
Difficulty Scaling
- Fixed a bug with resetting max difficulty cleared when reclearing a lower difficulty
Warrior Changes
- Buffed the delay before the meteor starts falling
UI Changes
- Fixed scroll wheel barely moving scroll windows
- Updated some Main Menu button UI
- Fixed End Boss sprite sorting to not show on top of units
- Fixed End Round Stats cutting off a lot of content
You can always find the patch notes posted in our Discord