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Pact of Steel update for 1 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10660490 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:06:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone we are proud to say we just released our first game into early access. It's been a long time coming and we've finally got something out there.

That being said here we are going to be watching our discord channel and our community forum for any bugs and feedback and start implementing those changes.

Currently, we are aware of some issues, there are some weird texture artifact lines happening on a few of the earlier maps in Campaign 1 and the tutorial. We are working on a solution for this and hopefully, it will be fixed soon. A few units have their movement disabled, currently the Pak 40 and the Machinegunner due to some issues with range while moving breaking we will get this fixed soon.

Next, we have some upcoming features coming within the next two weeks, a new map for the Desert Campaign and Winter Campaign. A new playable faction, the Allies, will include its own set of units, loadout, currency, and campaigns (based on the same maps). We are also going to move the "Play Endless" button into its own section within the play menu instead of being right next to it.

We also will be implementing balancing changes, all towers and enemy units are subject to change once we start leaving what campaigns are too hard or too easy, and what units are too strong/weak. A lot of our focus will be on this throughout early access.

Thank you everyone and hope you enjoy the game.

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