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Svarog's Dream Playtest update for 28 February 2023

Bugfix patch

Share · View all patches · Build 10660063 · Last edited 1 March 2023 – 00:09:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Fixed a bug where the adventurer would end up being stuck after running from wolves on Baba Jaga's quest.
-Fixed the not intended behavior where the night torch would be removed during the conversation.
-Fixed a bug where ground textures would use a lower resolution than what was intended.
-Fixed the bug which caused the NPC animation transition to not be smooth enough.
-Fixed a bug where Baba Jaga would use a male scream when she dies.
-Fixed the bugs with the presentation of world stories in some cases.
-Fixed a bug where the carrot gathering indicator would be in the wrong place.
-Fixed a bug where some items in the world would be larger than what was intended.
-Fixed a bug with animation transitions of the adventurer at Baba Jaga quest.

Balance changes:
-Updated code so that world events are a bit more frequent now.
-Updated God's favors so they are less frequent and harder to collect.

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