we've just released a patch with the following changes:
- Fixed secret item achievements couldn't progress above 1 found item. To fix your progression, just pick up any item of that type, and the progress / unlock should be granted. For crystals, progression will indicate a total number of 6 items, but you'll get the achievement nevertheless when you find all currently in the game (4).
- Reworked PlayStation controller icons to be consistent with the ones of Xbox and Switch.
- Fixed the entrance of transition level between cells 2 and 3 was overlapping with some stones of the environment.
- Fixed the crystal unlock icon of cell 21 might have not been correctly marked as found in the Replay Cell List.
- We have moved a relic to a different cell. If you have found it previously, you'll still have it unlocked.
- Cell Editor: Added support for emitter-less Force Fields.
- Cell Editor: Fixed magnet with anti-gravity applied didn't lose this property when re-spawning.
Let us know if you have any feedback (or if we broke something)!
Changed files in this update