Battered and forgotten chests yield new items of singular arcane interest and weapons of ruthless efficiency - an effective remedy for your feeble bravery…
v0.5.0 Update Notes
-- Five New Foci: Gall Fetter, Watchful Shards, Grim Root, Wind Spur, and Immolating Lens
-- Two New Weapons: Scythe and Palm Gun
-- New particle effects for Brimstone Cinders and Caustic Scales (formerly Acid Rain)
-- New sound effects for blade swing, fire burning, and acid sizzling
-- Removed decimal value hit chances to simplify things - only whole integer hit chances now shown/used (e.g., 71.25% will no longer show)
-- Fixed bug where equipping weapon with shrapnel would incorrectly affect environmental and retaliation attack effects
Changed files in this update