Hello Lumberjacks and Lumberjills
Another update coming your way. See all changes and fixes below:
- Added info for pad controls in pad map menu.
- Proper label for the German voice over in sound options menu.
- Credits updated.
- Polish language updated.
- Proper localization translation for colour sliders when repainting a vehicle.
- Switched to a proper system font for 100% compatibility across system versions and player system rights.
- Reformatted some menus, info, prompts etc for better text fit.
- Optimised terrain GPU resources and display (cut down to ~25% vertices) This should also fix bugs where lower and less densw terrain surface was intersecting with normal terrain, like in steep slopes.
- Player can exit vehicles inside the OSB factory and area between pallet dryers.
- Added a more precise terrain shadow (doesn't render for lowest shadow setting). This should avoid dark (shadowy) places in small terrain spots due to low shadow mesh precision.
- More smooth transition between terrain texture layers.
- No gaps between terrain tessellation levels should be visible now.
- The quest info now displays full quest description instead of just title and following quip. Also reformatted a bit.
- Increased the running speed a bit.
- Coffee affects player's running speed, but not walking speed.
- Increased shadow distances and object detection angles (at no performance loss)
- Contained Avira's possible false-positive PUA messages.
- The custom video options menu features only 2 environmental reflection modes now (fast and detailed), intermediate is no more. Detailed is now more optimised than intermediate was.
- Properly calculated the water specular dispersion on shallow waters, which should look more natural now. In general water specular was all the same on the water surface, cutting off rapidly where the surface intersected with the shore.
- Moved the Level of Detail transition for some bushes for improved visuals.
- In some cases, the full screen mode of the game could veer to windowed mode and continue with its incorrect behaviour from there. Fixed - the game should now switch between full screen and the defocused state correctly.
- The new forklift was not fond of picking up pallets lying flat on the ground. Fixed.
- Fixed wrong text in the gamma correction (in the options) that appeared in a few languages.
- Fixes to several trees & bushes across the world.
- Fixed normal, albedo and dirt masks for old tractor - both old version and after renewal.
- Some terrain places were overlapping at different LoD level, causing flickering due to Z-fighting. Those should all be fixed now.
- Fixed the quest info overlapping with the calendar/cash bar.
- Skill menu was cutting down description text in several languages. Reformatted and fixed.
- Fixed incorrectly placed tire prints in the ground that resulted in deep ridges outside the tire. Tire prints in terrain now depend on vehicle size and weight plus tire shape.
- Several vehicles (like old tractor, old timberjack etc.) had an unused light click to turn lights off (since assuming they had working/back lights which they didn't). Fixed.
- Stump grinder wasn't blocking movement while grinding a stump - fixed.
- Ponsse Scorpion lacked a prompt about the saw crane movement - fixed.
- Wood selected from pallets bought from store was black - fixed.
- Fixed the NPCs clothing Z-Fighting when nearby, after rare animation occurrences for example Auntie’s pants.
Changed files in this update