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Elephantasy: Flipside update for 28 February 2023

Elephantasy: Flipside v1.1 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 10656348 · Last edited 28 February 2023 – 16:09:37 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey all! Thank you for purchasing Elephantasy: Flipside so close to launch, and for all of the support! I know it's still very early on, but I have a few (minor) bugfixes to push through today! I may have more later in the day, so stay tuned!


  • Fixed bug where the player could "continue" a game before having started a new game, putting them in the void. I could have made this a joke, but it really was a bug, so I just fixed the associated code. You should now be unable to select "continue" before starting a new game.

  • Fixed bug where the player could decapitate Ludos with another prop. Please don't do this. He's a good boy. [i]Can You Pet The Dog? will take away my gaming license. Ludos' head should now stay fixed to his body, except when bouncing.[/i]

  • Hopefully(?) fixed a bug concerning time trials with an NPC. Also added indicators for where to go next in the race, to prevent confusion on the part of the player.

  • _UPDATE: Also tweaked control rebinding so that:

    • No two controls can be bound to the same button at once.
    • Controls can now be reset to the defaults by pressing the Inventory button (Default TAB or Y) while not rebinding.
  • [i]UPDATE #2: Fixed an issue with collision in one room the Volcano area. This change will only affect newly started games, so if you've started a game and you find an out of bounds area, know that it's been fixed for future playthroughs._

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