- 现在摄像机可以设置滤镜效果
- 现在物体控制可以使用曲线移动(有一张演示地图,口令码为GNYS,具体操作为: 主菜单 -> 玩家自制 -> 右侧筛选按钮 -> 查找 -> 口令 -> 输入GNYS -> 搜索)
- 现在路径移动可以使用曲线移动
- 新增了一些着色器效果
- 修复了部分BUG
- 部分细节改动
Start typing to see game suggestions. This only suggests apps that have a store page.
Some depots below may not display changed files because our bot does not own the specific depot or game.
Game can be donated with a key, by sending a gift, or using curator system.
Changed files in this update